Chapter 89

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Hayden's P.O.V.

Crystal froze as I said the sentence. She was definitely her mother's daughter. "D-did you just s-say..what I th-think you said?" she asked shakily.

"I did," I say with a nod. She paused before sighing.

"I...wish I could call dad," she said slowly. I couldn't hold back the smile that grew on my face. "And now I have to ask: Are you dating my mom?" she asked. I paused. I knew Astrid wanted to tell her daughter for herself, so how was I supposed to answer without lying? I finally decided on two simple words.

"It's complicated," I tell her before she lowered her gaze to the counter with a sigh.

"For how long?" she asked.

"Since a few days before you went to court," I said and she nodded slowly.

"Was she going to tell me?" she questioned.

"She wanted to wait until..." I trailed off with a sigh. "I don't know if she was planning on telling you. You're going to have to take that up with her." She sighed as she crossed her arms over the table.

"This is insane, she's keeping too much from me," she whispered to herself. I reached forward and put a reassuring hand on her forearm.

"She might be waiting for you to ask about it," I said.

"I can't just come up and ask her about her love life," she said.

"Why not? You're her daughter and whoever she dates could end up being your new dad," I told her before she paused, looking at me with a strange look in her eye.

"Are you going to try?" she asked.

"Like I'd tell you," I scoffed lightly, "If I was gonna try, why would I ruin a surprise like that?"

"So you are dating her?"

"Go home, Crystal," I told her, "Close this place down a few minutes early and I'll give you a ride."

"I know for a fact that she doesn't want anyone knowing where we live," she said quietly.

"Who says she has to know I know?" I asked.

"Hayden, I can't keep secrets from my mother, she doesn't want me turning into her, and if I do keep secrets, I'll be doing the opposite of what she wants. My job was different, that was to keep her pride intact."

"Crystal, please, it'll put my mind at ease once I know where you two live," I said. She took a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh.

"Fine," she said before I smiled.

"I'll be out in my car," I told her and she nodded before I left the coffee shop and got in my car. After a minute or two, she got in the back seat. I looked at her over my shoulder. "Gonna sit back there?"

She shrugged. "Why not?"

"Cause I wanna talk to you," I said. She paused before slowly getting back out and moving to the passengers seat. "What's your address?" I asked as she put her seat belt on. 

"782 Nadder Way," she said quietly. I started driving before looking at her after a few minutes.

"So, I have to ask you something," I said cautiously before she looked at me. "Usually, female victims of rape take an awful long time to rebuild trust," I told her slowly, "Why did you keep trusting me, and Moku?" 

"B-b-because...Eret was a despicable man...and you came to my rescue and Moku is my only friend. If I didn't have him, I wouldn't know that not all males rape, and if I didn't know you I would still be in Eret's clutches. I trust you're at least trying to help my mom and I, even if she pushes you away," she told me quietly.

"That's right. I am trying to help you," I said with a nod before pulling over in front of an apartment building. "That's why you should tell me which apartment you're in." She looked at me with slight fear.

"Do you know how fast she'll kill me?" she asked.

"She's not going to kill you. Besides, telling me will help both of you," I promised. She quickly shook her head.

"No, I can't tell you," she said and started to get out before I made her freeze by grabbing her shoulder.

"If you don't tell me, I'll just follow you," I told her. She paused and I could tell she was trying to find a way out of this. She finally looked at me and swallowed before speaking.

"You're gonna have to find it on your own," she said before getting out of the car. I got out as well and followed her inside before she stood to the side to let me take the lead.

"Not gonna run off on me, are you?" I asked before she shook her head. I nodded before heading down the first hall and knocking on each door, apologizing to the residents when I found it to be the wrong one.

1/2 hour later

Crystal kept a straight face for every door and every floor we covered. I was getting kinda sick of it, I wanted her to give some kind of sign that we were close, but she just watched the ground. Eventually, about half way to now, she started acting nervous in front of a few of the doors, just to throw me off. I have to admit, it was a little funny, but still. Now, I knocked on a door and she did nothing but stare at her feet. A moment passed before it opened and my heart jumped.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I answered the door, not an idea where Crystal was, until I froze in my tracks. My heart stopped and my blood ran cold as I saw Hayden staring at me, Crystal at his side, staring at her feet. When I saw a smirk come to Hayden's lips, I moved like lightning and pulled Crystal into the apartment before slamming the door and locking it with the chain.

"Astrid, let me in!" Hayden called as he knocked again and I barracked the door with my body.

"Crystal, get your bag," I ordered before she ran to her room.

"A bag?! Oh, Astrid," Hayden scolded through the wood, "That better mean you're moving in with me."

"Why would you come here?!" I snap.

"I wanted to give Crystal a ride home," he said.

"More like you threatened her until she told you where we live," I scoffed.

"Astrid, open the door," he said.

"No," I say as I lock the door knob and go to my room. I stuff some clothes in my bag before going back to the living room to see Crystal opening the door. "Crystal, no!" I screamed before Hayden walked in. I grabbed my daughter and rushed her toward the window before sending her out onto the fire escape. I was about to follow her before Hayden wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back. I elbowed him in the gut to make him release me before diving out the window and jumping down the fire escape, dropping my bag before my body. I landed next to Crystal before picking up my bag and ushering her down the street. Just as we passed the front door to the building, Hayden shot out and grabbed me as I started to run.

"Crystal, run!" I shouted as I tried to get free.

"Crystal, get in the car," Hayden said as he covered my mouth with his hand.

"Don't you dare do what he says!" I mumbled. She looked between us before walking for the car. "Crystal!"

"Sorry, Mom, but Hayden seems more rational right now," she apologized as she got in. I shouted in protest as Hayden pushed me against the passenger's door and pinned me there.

"Astrid, calm down," he ordered firmly, "You know I'm not going to hurt you or Crystal, so quit fighting me before I do something I'll regret." He pulled me from the car, opened the door, and forced me into the passenger's seat before closing and locking the door. I stared lasers at the child-proof locks as he got in the drivers seat.

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