7. "I Love You, Laurent!"

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Layla was running here and there, trying to find Laurent. She cried a lot. She wasn't able to understand where to find him or what to do. She sat down at a bench in the park, with her head in her hands..

*Where are you, Laurent? I miss you! Please come back!* She cried to herself.. But suddenly she realised that..

"I usually meet Laurent at the beach.. I think he will be there.. I should go and check!" She quickly ran for the beach. She was running breathlessly. She was tired and she was in pain. She reached there and stopped.. Breathing very hard.. Her vision was blur she felt like she was going to faint but she holded on to herself.. She walked here and there, when suddenly she saw a person.. 

"LAURENT!!" She screamed while running toward him.. He lifted his face up. They both ran towards each other.. 

"Layla! O.M.G! Where were you??" He said with tears in his eyes, holding on to her really tight..

"I am sorry Laurent! I know you were finding me but I had to stay away from you!" Layla said while she was tight in his arms.. Laurent let her go.. 

"Why?" He asked while backing off.. He was having a blank reaction on his face.

"Laurent calm down.. listen to me.." She said that and told him whatever she heard..

"No Layla! It was not because of you! Oh My God!" He said in a frustrated tone.

"I am sorry, Laurent.. When I got your text and calls.. I told mom that I can't stay away from you anymore and I needed to meet you.." Layla said while again pulling him into a hug..

"Layla.. Why did you come?" He asked in a serious way and backed off again.

"Because I .." She stopped. She didn't knew what to say or how to say. 

"Because?" Laurent was waiting for an answer.. She remained silent.. 

"I am waiting, Layla! Because what!" Laurent said in a rage tone..

"Because.. I love you!!" She said with tears rolling down her cheeks.. She was crying very hard.. 

"I love you, Laurent!" She screamed out of her lungs..

"I-I think I should leave.." He said that and ran away..

*No! Don't leave me! I need you.. I love you, Laurent* She whispered to herself.. once he was gone.. She was there.. feeling weak and helpless. She walked to her house.. Her eyes couldn't stop the supply of tears..

"Oh My God!! Layla! Where have you been? I called you so many times! Are you ok?" Her mother couldn't stop asking questions..

"Mom.. calm down.. I am fine.." She said with her eyes, blood red and a fake smile..

"You don't look fine.." Leona knew when her daughter is happy and when she is sad..

"Look mom, it was really hard trying to find Laurent.. so I cried a lot. And what else do you expect.. He is my best friend.. forever" She said that and closed her eyes for a second.

"I think I should go and sleep, I am tired.. Good Night mom.." She quietly said and left.

*What happened to you, baby girl.. you never cried before. Life has changed a lot for you..* Leona's eyes filled up. Meanwhile, Layla was in her room. In her bed. She was lying there like she was dead, she stopped breathing. Heartbeats stopped for a second.

When she heard a click on her door, she came back to life. She quickly pulled the quilt and acted asleep.

*I hope things get better in your life, Layla.. I can't risk losing you, when I have already lost your dad years ago..* Her mother kissed Layla on her forehead and left crying..

It was 1 in the morning. Layla was awake.. Not able to take in whatever happened at the beach.. She was wanting to meet Laurent, once again to beg for another chance. To beg for a restart. 

She was crying, silently. Her heart was beating really hard. Her mind was unstable. She closed her eyes, trying to sleep. She eventually fell asleep, at around 3:30 in the morning..


It was 10:30 in the morning, Layla was still asleep. 

*Layla is still asleep? This has never happened before.. I should probably go and check..* Her mother thought..

"Layla.. Baby girl.. How come you are still asleep? Darling, wake up.. It's 10:30 in the morning.." Her mother said while stroking her hair.

She was not moving.. But she just made a sound like.. 


"Baby, wake up.." Her mother said calmly.

"I am about to.." She finally said.. which made her mother relieve.. She was worried, that is she even alive or not..

"Ok baby.. I am making brunch.. quickly come down.." Her mother said and left..

Layla woke up, looked at the time.. it was 10:45am. She had to go to college today, as it was Thursday.. But she didn't go. She walked in her bathroom.. she stripped her clothes off and jumped inside her bath tub.. She sank herself inside.. 

"Layla! Brunch's ready!" Her mother screamed, that made her come out of her tub.. She was coughing.. really hard..

"Yes mom.. coming!!" She yelled, once she calmed down.. She got out of the tub, got in her normal clothes and walked out..

She was siting on her dining table.. waiting for her mom to serve her something to eat.

"Mom.. can I please have something light.. I am not in the mood for something bulky.." She said politely..

"Sure girl.. I have made yummy French toasts for you.. is that ok?" Her mother asked while serving her.

"They are surely fine.." She said with a light smile.

She quickly had her food and started to leave..

"Where are you going, Layla?" Her mother asked with crossed arms.

"Mom.. I am just going to the beach.. I will be back soon.. Don't worry.." She said that and left.. 

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