Y/n's POV
My feet carried me to the room where Professor McGonagall was supposed to be giving an announcement to the Gryffindors. When I entered though, the room was filled with Slytherins, all of whom glared at me or made other faces.
"Ms. Fawley," McGonagall greeted. "You were supposed to be here an hour ago with the other Gryffindors."
"I know. I'm sorry," I apologize. "it's just Professor Moody held me back and-"
McGonagall motioned for me to be quiet. "Just have a seat with the other ladies." I nodded and took a seat as far away as I could from the Slytherin girls, but there wasn't open space for me. My red robes stood out immensely in the sea of green, and I tried to ignore it as McGonagall started talking again. "The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the tri-wizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school this year, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance. Now, everyone, get on your feet and pair up."
I stayed in my seat and pulled a book out from my satchel. There was no way I was going to dance with a Slytherin. However, before I could even start reading, someone approached me and held out their hand. I glanced up to see who it was, and to my surprise, I saw that it was Draco.
"Come dance with me," Draco instructed.
"Why? You've got plenty of other girls to ask," I mention and gesture to the other Slytherin girls who were waiting for some boy to ask them.
"I don't want to dance with them. Come on," Draco urged politely, his hand still extended towards me. I know told myself that I wouldn't dance with a Slytherin, but I had grown closer to Draco this past year. So, I smiled and took his hand, allowing him to lead me out onto the dance floor. Draco placed his right hand on my waist and I placed my left hand on his shoulder with our other hands clasped together to the side. Together, we danced to the beat slowly, and everything seemed to disappear. Draco then twirled me around before clasping our hands back together again. He even lifted me up, setting me back down on the ground smoothly.
"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Fawley, wonderful work. You both are dancing beautifully," McGonagall commented.
"Thank you, Professor," I say as she walked off to monitor other pairs.
"You know, you're a pretty good dancer," Draco noticed.
"Being a pureblood does have it's perks. I've had to attend a fair share of balls the past few years, so my parents made me take dancing lessons at a young age," I tell him as we continued dancing. "You're really good too. I'm guessing you have the same advantage?"
Draco laughed. "Yeah. My parents really care about the family's reputation, so dance lessons were a must."
"Well, they certainly paid off," I share.
"Can you do me a favor?" Draco asked me.
"Sure," I reply. "What is it?"
"Meet me at the Black Lake tomorrow before lunch," Draco requested as McGonagall dismissed us. And then, just like that, he was gone.
"Draco, what is all of this?" I implore as I admired the picnic spread he had laid out.
"Well, I've noticed that you barely eat lunch anymore because you're too busy doing homework or helping other people out with their assignments, so I dragged you out here because you're always starving during History of Magic, and I want you to concentrate on your work instead of your hunger," Draco explained.
I smiled. "Thanks, Draco. It means a lot to me that you noticed." Once I sat down, Draco passed out the food he had, and the two of us began to eat. For a while, it was silent, but Draco soon spoke up.
"So," Draco started. "A while ago in Professor Moody's class, you said you had a personal experience with the killing curse?"
"Um, yeah," I murmur and pick at the bread on my sandwich.
"I don't mean to pry," Draco stated. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
"No, it's okay," I reassure him. "You did all of this for me, so the least I can do is answer your question. It was a while ago, anyways. When I was 8, my parents held a ball at our manor, so a bunch of other family members and close friends came over. Everything was going well, and I was having a great time, but then my grandfather and one of the other guests started having an argument about the true possession of the my mother's family's fortune."
"Who was the other guest?" Draco quizzed.
"My grandfather's brother," I answer. "My grandfather was the oldest out of the two, so when my great grandfather passed away, he left all of the money to my grandfather instead of splitting it equally between them. So, all of the money and the estates fell to my grandfather and his family, which was my grandmother and mother. Things at the party escalated quickly, and before my 8 year old self could even process what was going on, my great uncle used the killing curse on my grandfather. The whole thing happened right before my eyes, and it is one of the scariest things I've ever witnessed. I guess Moody using the killing curse in front of me brought it back up. But it's over now. I'm okay." After that, Draco pulled out 2 slices of apple pie, which was one of my favorite desserts to eat at Hogwarts and at home.
"Look at you. You seem to know all of my favorite foods without me ever telling you," I exclaim.
"I've got my ways," Draco admitted. The food was all delicious, and soon, I realized that lunch would be ending soon. I needed to get my stuff for the next few classes. "Before you go, can I ask you a question?"
I nodded. "Sure. Go for it."
"Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?" Draco questioned. His question caught me by surprise. Never in a million years did I think a Slytherin would ask a Gryffindor to a ball. After a few seconds though, I had my answer.
"I would love to go to the ball with you, Draco," I respond.
I was walking with Ron and Harry back to the Gryffindor common room after class, all of our bags full with new assignments. I was going to give them a few pointers to help them out with their dancing. And since Harry was a competitor for the tri-wizard tournament, he needed the help. As we were walking, a boy from Durmstrang named Andrian Ruskov stopped me.
"Would you like to go to the ball with me?" Adrian posed.
I frowned. "What?"
"The ball," Adrian repeated. "Would you consider going with me?"
"Oh, um, I'm sorry, but I'm not interested," I disclose.
"Y/n, that's the third guy you've turned down today," Ron pointed out. "If you're not going with any of them, would you go with Harry or I?"
"I would love to go with either you or Harry," I put forth. "But I can't. There's a reason I've been telling everyone no. Someone already asked me and I said yes."
"Who?" Harry pushed.
"You'll see the night of the ball," I declare. "Now, lets hurry up and get to the common room. You guys could use all the help you can get."

House Crossed Lovers; A Draco Malfoy Love Story
FantasyY/n Fawley grew up in the wizarding world, her parents both being from pureblood families. And now, it's finally time for her to start Hogwarts. Along the years, she gains a good number of friends, but ends up being the closest to Harry, Ron, and He...