Y/n's POV
Over winter break, I stayed at the castle to spend some time with Draco. This was my third year in a row staying at Hogwarts for break, but I honestly wasn't mad about it. Ever since Draco told me about him becoming a Death Eater, I've been spending a lot of time with him just to make sure he's okay. I know how hard it is having a family that puts so much on you. With my parents, they expect me to be the perfect child at Hogwarts, which meant having a sparkling reputation alongside stunning grades and a social life.
It was now the last day of break, and while I didn't want it to end, I wanted to get back to my normal life schedule. That included Quidditch, and sadly, classes as well. I jogged up the stairs and into my dormitory, where I saw a note sitting on my bed. I picked it up, glancing over the familiar writing.
Dear Y/n,
Thank you for deciding to stay over break with me. I know you've told me a dozen times that it wasn't a big deal, but it was to me. So, to thank you for all you've done for me over winter break, I want to do something special for you. Tonight, just after curfew, meet me in the prefects' bathroom.
P.S. Bring something to swim in.
Love, Draco
I smiled to myself and sat down on my bed. What did Draco have planned for me in the perfects' bathroom? Later that night, I put on my long sleeved black bikini, throwing a white tank top and jean shorts over it along with my sandals. Then, when everyone was asleep, I snuck out of the common room and headed to the prefects' bathroom. When I got there, Draco was waiting for me in a long sleeved white shirt and his green swim trunks. I locked the door behind me with a spell, shoving my wand back into the waistband of my pants.
"Hey," Draco greeted and placed a kiss on my lips. "I'm so happy you came."
"Of course I came. Besides, it's the last day of break, and I wanted to have some fun. So, what are we doing here?" I ask.
"Well, since it's below zero outside, I figured we could have some fun in the bath. It's practically a hot tub," Draco pointed out.
"That sounds amazing," I comment. "Lets do it." The bath did not take long to fill up, and once it was filled, I tugged down my shorts and pulled my tank top over my head. I left my shoes next to my clothes and turned to Draco, who was staring at me. "What?"
"Nothing," Draco replied. "You're just beautiful." I shook my head at him playfully before stepping into the bath, the warm water instantly calming me down. "How's it feel?"
"Very relaxing. I could use this every once in a while. Between Quidditch and my studies, I'm exhausted and stressed," I confess.
"Why aren't you a prefect for Gryffindor? You're the smartest person in that house and you deserve it more than anyone," Draco noted.
"Because Hermione Granger just so happens to be the smartest person in this school," I remind him. "And Dumbledore and McGonagall favor her a bit more. I don't mind though. I'll just abuse your power as a prefect whenever you're free."
"You're such a handful," Draco spoke and went to take a step into the bath, only for me to stop him.
"Are you going to take your shirt off?" I quiz. "It's really warm in here. I don't think you need long sleeves."
"You have long sleeves on. I'll be fine," Draco assured me and stepped into the bath.
"Draco, if this is about your arm, I don't care," I tell him.
"How can you still be with me? I thought for sure you would've broken up with me after you saw it," Draco claimed.
"Draco, I loved you before you got that mark, and I'll continue to love you even if you have it. Nothing can change the way I feel towards you. You'll always be the same Draco I fell in love with," I profess.
"You love me?" Draco questioned.
I smiled at my boyfriend. "Yes. I love you. Now, I think it's time that this shirt comes off." I grabbed the bottom of Draco's shirt and helped him pull it over his head, my eyes immediately drawn to the dark mark. But I didn't cringe like I had back in my second year when I had it carved into my arm. A lot of things had changed this summer. Things that had made me a different person. When Draco finally got into the bath tub, he pulled me towards him, embracing me softly.
"I love you too," Draco returned, his face buried in the hair at the top of my head.
Once the sappy moment between the two of us was over, we settled down next to each other and talked. The topics ranged from Quidditch to our classes, and even a few memories from the past were brought up. But as the time went by, and our bodies inched closer, things got a bit more intimate. I had moved from my spot next to Draco to his lap, where I was currently straddling him, our lips pressed against one another's. Draco's arms encircled my waist, helping to keep me close while I had my arms wrapped around his neck. Our lips moved in sync against each others', neither of us wanting to move from our current spot. And as much as I wanted to stay, I knew we needed to take this somewhere else.
"Your dorm or mine," I breath out against Draco's lips.
"Neither," Draco answered. "I have another place in mind." The two of us then climbed out of the bathtub, and with a wave of Draco's wand, both of us were dry and in more comfortable clothes, our bathing suits back in our dorm room and put away with the help of magic. Exiting the bathroom, Draco led me to the seventh floor of Hogwarts and into the left corridor where a door appeared before us.
"The Room of Requirement. You're brilliant Draco," I say and step into the room. Draco followed in behind me, the door shutting behind him, and that's when I was able to see that the room had turned into Draco's bedroom back at Malfoy Manor. I had spent so much time in his room that I practically knew it like it was my own. I walked over to the bed and flopped down onto it, enjoying the warmth that emitted from it. "I've missed this bed so much." Draco climbed in the bed next to me, pulling my body towards his, and the two of us just laid in silence. "Can we just stay here? I don't want to leave."
"I don't want to leave either," Draco agreed and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "Lets just stay here for the night."
"I can get down with that," I murmur and snuggle into his side. "I love you, Draco Malfoy."
"I love you too, Y/n Fawley."

House Crossed Lovers; A Draco Malfoy Love Story
FantasíaY/n Fawley grew up in the wizarding world, her parents both being from pureblood families. And now, it's finally time for her to start Hogwarts. Along the years, she gains a good number of friends, but ends up being the closest to Harry, Ron, and He...