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Y/n's POV

Hiding in the stalls probably wasn't the best idea. With one swing of his club, the troll smashed the top part of the stalls to pieces. Wood rained down onto me, and I covered my head to prevent myself from getting seriously hurt.

"Help!" Hermione shouted in the hope that someone would come to our rescue. 

At first, I thought we were doomed. I mean, we were stuck in the corner of the bathroom with a troll looming over us. But then Harry and Ron ran into the bathroom, and a sense of hope came over me. The two of them started throwing stray pieces of wood at the troll, but it seemed to have no effect whatsoever on the monster. So once again, all hope was lost. However, Harry and Ron provided Hermione and I with a distraction, so the two of us ran out from the stall and under the sinks. But the troll spotted us and started destroying the sinks one by one. Thankfully, Hermione and I were able to get out of the way in time, but we were running out of places to hide, and I didn't think anyone had a backup plan.

That's when Harry pulled his wand out and ran forward, grabbing onto the troll's club. He was then lifted up into the air where he dropped down onto the troll's head. The troll, noticing the heavy weight that had fallen onto him, swung his head around, and Harry's wand went up the troll's nose. Now, defenseless, Harry had no way to fight off the monster. The troll grabbed Harry off of his head and held him upside down by one leg, and then he swung his club in Harry's direction. Harry pulled himself up just in time, and the club sailed under him, but we weren't out of the woods yet.

"Do something!" Harry yelled at Ron, who had been standing at the front of the bathroom. 

"Do what?" Ron called back. 

"Anything!" Harry replied as Ron took out his wand.

"Swish and flick," Hermione reminded Ron as the troll kept trying to hit Harry with his enormous club. 

"Wingardium Leviosa," Ron spoke and flicked his wand, doing the correct hand motion we had learned in Charms that morning. Within seconds, the club was lifted out of the troll's hand, and it hovered above the ginormous being. The troll looked up just as the club came crashing back down, hitting him smack dab in the center of his face. His grip on Harry faltered, and when Harry fell to the floor, I dragged him out of the way of the troll, who staggered as he took a few steps. Then, the troll came crashing down hard onto the tiled floor, where he now laid unconscious. 

"Thank you both!" I exclaim and hug Harry and Ron tightly. "You guys saved us!" At that moment, Professor McGonagall entered the bathroom with Professors Snape and Quirrell, all of whom did not look the happiest to see us.

"Explain yourselves. Now," McGonagall ordered. Before Harry, Ron, or I could speak, Hermione stepped forward and cut us off.

"I came looking for the troll," Hermione claimed. "I read about them in the library and thought I could take one on by myself. Y/n was only trying to convince me not to and got caught in the crossfire. And Harry and Ron appeared just in time to save the both of us. If they didn't arrive when they did, Y/n and I would probably be dead by now."

"Ms. Fawley, I'm awarding you 5 points, but only for trying to stop Ms. Granger from making an unwise decision," McGonagall said and turned towards Ron and Harry. "And I'm giving you each 5 points for dumb luck. Now, I suggest you four head back to your common room. It's getting late, and I assume you've all got some homework to do."

"Right. We'll head there now," I confirm. "Come on guys." Once the four of us got far enough away from the professors, we all broke out in huge smiles, and it was hard for us to keep our laughter quiet. "Okay, that was probably the most thrilling thing I've ever experienced. I may have almost come close to death, but I loved it!"

"You guys are crazy! That was terrifying!" Hermione admitted. "But I had a little fun as well."

"All right, well, as much fun as it was, I've got some assignments I need to get to work on. I'll see you all tomorrow morning," I tell my friends as we entered the common room and all went our separate ways.

House Crossed Lovers; A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now