Poisons, Jinxes, and Hexes

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Y/n's POV

When I woke up, Draco and I were still laying together in the Room of Requirement. His arm was draped over my waist, and he was snoring softly next to me. I glanced at the clock next to me on the bedside table, and when I saw that it was time for breakfast, I turned over so that I was facing my boyfriend and shook him slightly.

"Draco," I whisper. 

"Hmm," Draco hummed as he stirred. 

"It's time for breakfast. Everyone who went off on break should be back by now. They'll all think it's weird when we don't show up," I claim. 

Draco groaned and pulled the blanket closer to his body. "I'll meet up with you in the Great Hall in a while. You go on ahead." 

"Fine," I breathe out and lean up to peck his lips. "I'll see you in a bit. Don't be long." After leaving the Room of Requirement, I headed back to my dorm, changed into a new set of clothes, and then made my way to the Great Hall. When I got there, I spotted Harry and Ron sitting together at the Gryffindor table and rushed over to them, giving them each a hug. "Hey guys. It's good to see you again. And I heard about what happened to your house, Ron. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. How was your break at Hogwarts?" Ron asked as I took a seat across from him. 

"Good. Nothing too special," I respond and start piling food onto my plate.

"Um, Y/n? Did you get hit in the neck by something? It looks like you've got a bruise there," Harry pointed out and gestured to where my shoulder and neck met.

"What are you talking about?" I question. Harry handed me the empty plate next to him, and I held it up, using the reflection see what he was talking about. And there, right on the bottom of my neck, was a purplish red mark. "You've got to be kidding me," I growl and gingerly touch the mark. 

Ron snickered. "Mate, I think the only thing hitting Y/n on the neck were Malfoy's lips. That's a hickey." 

"Oh. S-sorry," Harry apologized to me, his cheeks flushing just the smallest bit.

"Don't worry about it," I assure him and look towards the entrance of the Great Hall to see Draco entering the room. "Speaking of the devil, I've got to go have a chat with him. And thank you for saving me the embarrassment of someone else seeing it Harry. I'll be right back." I got up from my seat and marched over to Draco, who smiled when he saw me. 

"Hey," Draco greeted. "What's up?"

"Do you want to explain why you didn't tell me you gave me a hickey? Ron and Harry just noticed it and it was embarrassing," I complain and cross my arms over my chest. 

"I thought it looked good on you," Draco confessed. 

"Yeah? Well you still should've told me it was there," I counter. 

"All right. I'll tell you next time. By the way, there's also one behind your ear, so you might want to keep your hair down for the rest of the week," Draco informed me and began walking off in the direction of the Slytherin table. 

"I hate you sometimes Malfoy!" I shout at his retreating figure. 

"No you don't!" Draco called back.


"Y/n!" Hermione hissed and shook me awake. "Y/n!"

"What?" I mutter groggily and rub my eyes.

"It's Ron. He's in the hospital wing. He's been poisoned," Hermione disclosed. 

"What do you mean he's been poisoned?" I quiz and get out of bed, throwing on a new set of clothes frantically.

House Crossed Lovers; A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now