Y/n's POV
I was really excited that Quidditch was back. In my fourth year, we had the tri-wizard tournament, so there was none of the sport. And last year, since Umbridge had banned clubs the second she got to Hogwarts, we weren't able to play. But this year Quidditch was back on, and Harry and I were the co-captains of the Gryffindor team, meaning we had to hold tryouts to create a great team.
"Okay, so this morning I'm going to be putting you all for a few drills just to assess you strengths," Harry announced. However, no one was listening to him. Instead, they were all fighting over brooms and gear.
"Shut it!" I yell and tug down at my sleeves, which kept riding up my arms. My shouting got everyone to quiet down, allowing for Harry to speak.
"Thanks Y/n. All right, lets get started," Harry declared. At first, I was only required to watch the tryouts and figure out who would be on the team. I was in charge of picking out the other two chasers while Harry watched for a keeper and two beaters. Obviously, the two of us would discuss who we wanted and mutually agree who to put on the team, but it was easier to split up the work first. Ginny was a shoo in for a spot on the team as a chaser because she was brilliant. Almost as good as I was. It soon got to the point though where I felt the need to play. I needed to feel the rush of playing the game again.
"Mind if I take your spot?" I ask Ginny. "I've got the urge to score on Cormac and wipe that smug look off of his face."
Ginny cracked a smile. "Go right ahead." I thanked her quickly and flew right into the middle of the match, where I was passed the quaffle almost immediately. The way Harry and I decided to hold tryouts was to play a scrimmage game. That way we could see who would fit and bring a certain strength to the team. I spiraled towards the ground on my broom with two chasers on the opposing team following behind me, and at the last possible second, I pulled up and shot upwards into the air. The boys behind me pulled up on their brooms, but they bumped into each other and fell to the floor in a heap. Right as I neared the hoops, I threw the quaffle, and Cormac tried to get to the right hoop in time, but he was too late. The quaffle had already soared through the hoop by the time he got there.
Once tryouts were over, I stayed on the pitch a little longer to spend some time practicing. While I didn't necessarily need the practice, I missed Quidditch, so I just wanted to keep playing. As I was flying around the pitch, trying out knew tactics to get the quaffle into the hoops, I spotted a boy with platinum blonde hair standing in the middle of the pitch. I flew to the ground, brining my broom out from under me as I landed, and met up with Draco.
"I saw you in tryouts. You were amazing," Draco commented.
"Thanks. Quidditch makes me happy, and the pitch is like a second home to me. Are you sure you won't be trying out for Seeker for the Slytherin Team?" I implore. "I know how much you love Quidditch."
"I want to, but I've got too much on my plate this year. Maybe next year," Draco suggested and wrapped his arm around me as the two of us headed back in the direction of the locker room. "So, the first Hogsmeade trip is tomorrow. Would you want to go grab some butterbeer? We could also stop at Honeydukes. I know how much you love Cauldron Cakes, Jelly Slugs, and Chocolate Frogs."
"So you're bribing me with sweets, huh? Great tactic, by the way," I claim.
"It always works," Draco told me. "You can't resist them."
"That is true," I agree. "But I would have agreed to go anyways just to spend time with you. Since you offered the sweets though, you can't pull them out of the deal."
"I won't. Promise," Draco pledged.
"Ms. Fawley," Slughorn greeted as he noticed me sitting in the back corner of the Three Broomsticks. "It's nice to see you. Are you here alone? Because Harry, Ron and Hermione are sitting over there."
"Um, no. I'm here with my boyfriend," I respond.
"That's right. You and Mr. Malfoy," Slughorn remembered. "You are some of what the students talk about these days."
"Wait," I interrupt. "Students talk about us? What do they say?"
"I've only heard a little bit of chatter from my classes," Slughorn admitted. "Some say you're a great couple and that you bring out the best in Mr. Malfoy. Others think you don't belong together because of your conflicting houses and personalities. But I wouldn't take anything they say to heart. They are just teenagers, after all. Gossip is their thing. That's not the reason I came over here though. In the old days, I used to throw together the occasional supper party. Select a student or two. Would you be game?"
I smiled. "I consider it an honor that you asked, sir. I'll be sure to be there."
"Great. Well, I'll tell you a date when I have one. You and Mr. Malfoy have a great night," Slughorn wished us and walked away, Draco returning with our butterbeers seconds later.
"Was that Slughorn? What did he want?" Draco questioned and sat down next to me.
"He just wanted to invite me to a supper party he's having," I answer. "He also informed me that we are one of the most talked about things at school. Did you know that?"
"I may have heard people gossiping," Draco murmured and took a sip of butterbeer.
"And you didn't bother to tell me?" I quiz and shove him playfully.
"Most of the gossip comes from the Slytherins anyways," Draco pointed out. "You've never cared for what they have to say. Plus, I thought you already knew."
"The only Slytherin I care an ounce about is you," I confess and sip my butterbeer. "And maybe Blaise too." After an hour at the Three Broomsticks, Draco and I put our coats back on and ventured out into the snow. Hogsmeade always looked the prettiest during the winter. "Now, if I recall, you did promise sweets so...."
Draco laughed and interlocked our hands. "That I did. Lets head over to Honeydukes."
"Great. I've been craving jelly slugs for days," I share as the two of us walked hand in hand to our next stop.

House Crossed Lovers; A Draco Malfoy Love Story
FantasíaY/n Fawley grew up in the wizarding world, her parents both being from pureblood families. And now, it's finally time for her to start Hogwarts. Along the years, she gains a good number of friends, but ends up being the closest to Harry, Ron, and He...