Third Year; Dementor

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Y/n's POV

"Are you sure you packed everything?" my mother asked as we were standing on the platform to board the Hogwarts Express.

"For the one-hundredth time, yes, mom," I answer. "I think I've packed everything. And if I didn't you can either send it by owl or I'll pick it up over the holiday break."

"We're just trying to make sure you're set for the year," my father reminded me. "You excited? Third year is a big deal."

"Big deal? Dad, it's just another year off school. But I am ready to see all of my friends again. Plus, I'm looking forward to Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions," I declare.

"I'm sure you'll excel in all your classes," my mother exclaimed.

"Hopefully. Well, the train is about to leave, so I've got to go. I'll send you letters whenever I can. Love you both," I say and give each of them a hug before boarding the train. 

I found Harry, Hermione, and Ron sitting in a compartment with a man asleep in the corner and joined them pushing my small carry on bag into the storage space above the compartment. Alongside my friends' things was a suitcase reading RJ Lupin, so that must have been the stranger's name. During the first part of the ride, Harry told us how he thought Sirius Black was coming after him. And being apart of the wizarding world, I knew who Sirius Black was. He was a convicted murder who had just recently escaped Azkaban. Right as Harry finished his story, the train slammed to a halt. All of the lights began to flicker, and the temperature in the room dropped, causing all of the glass surfaces to freeze.

"Um, guys? What's going on?" Harry quizzed.

"I don't know," Hermione responded. Just then, a dark shadow loomed in front of the compartment door, and I saw my breath freeze in the cold air. That's when the door to our compartment slid open, and a gnarly hand appeared followed by a hooded figure. In an instant, my wand was out, and as soon as the being moved forward, I was casting a spell.

"Protego!" I shout and wave my wand. As the creature surged towards us, it bumped into an invisible forcefield separating it from us.

"Bloody hell," Ron commented. "What did you do?"

"I cast a simple shield charm," I reply.

"We haven't even learned that yet," Hermione pointed out.

"You're not the only one who likes to read," I remind her and turn my focus back to the shield charm. "Now, I don't know how long this can hold so-" I was cut off as the charm faltered, allowing the being to get closer. Suddenly, white whisps were being sucked out of Harry's face, and I couldn't think of a charm to stop it. Thankfully, Lupin woke up during the chaos and had his wand at the ready. Without even saying a spell, a bright light shot from the tip of his wand, and when the light died down, the creature was gone, and Harry was unconscious. It only took seconds though before he woke up.

"Here," Lupin offered and handed Harry a piece of chocolate. "It'll help." 

Harry groaned and sat up straighter. "What were those things?" 

"Dementors. They're the creatures that guard Azkaban," Lupin disclosed. "They were probably searching to see if Sirius Black was on the train."

"That spell you did was amazing!" I exclaim.

"Maybe I'll get the chance to teach it to you," Lupin spoke, smiling in my direction as he stood up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a word with the conductor."


"Welcome, everyone, to another year at Hogwarts," Dumbledore greeted. "I'm very pleased to introduce to you Professor Lupin, who will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts this year." From his spot at the professors' table, Lupin caught my eye an winked. I clapped along with the rest of the student body, the loud noise drowning out every other sound in the Great Hall. Once the clapping died down, Dumbledore continued. "Our previous Care of Magical Creatures teacher has also decided to retire, so the position will be given to Rubeus Hagrid. Now, onto the more serious matter. Dementors are being stationed at every exit and entrance to Hogwarts. Please do not engage them. They cannot tell who is the real enemy and who is just a friend."

"Can you guys believe it? We've finally got a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knows what he's doing," I chirp as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I headed to the Gryffindor common room.

"At least someone's excited for the school year," Ron said. "I'm not looking forward to the homework."

"Cheer up, Ron. It's our third year. That's a big deal," I announce.

Hermione frowned. "What's so great about third year?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, actually. My father said it to me before I boarded the train. But who knows. Maybe it'll be true. And with Lupin as our new teacher, things already seem to be going great."

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