First Task

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Y/n's POV

"All right. So tell me what you know about the first task," I request as Harry and I were walking down the corridor.

"Hagrid brought me out to the Forbidden Forest, and they had dragons in cages. So it's got something to do with that," Harry told me. "I don't mean to be needy asking for help or anything, but I figured you could help me create some sort of plan for when the task comes up."

I waved him off. "I don't mind, Harry. Really. I'm happy to help. Okay, so everyone is good at certain things in the wizarding world, right? Neville's helpful when it comes down to Herbology. Malfoy is a talented dueler, which I would know from a past experience. I'm really good when it comes to charms, potions, and defensive spells. So, what's your skill, Harry?"

"I mean, I'm decent on a broom," Harry confessed.

"Harry, if the two of us were just decent, we wouldn't have made the quidditch team in our first year. You're more than just good. You're great," I confirm. "And that's what you can do in the task. Summon your broom."

"Thanks, Y/n. I appreciate the help," Harry acknowledged as the two of us entered the courtyard. As soon as the two of us touched the cobblestone floor, everyone in the vicinity stared and launched insult at Harry, who I could tell was trying his hardest to ignore it. And then Draco appeared with his cronies, which just made everything worse.

"Why are you so tense Potter?" Draco questioned. "My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five."

"I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks, Malfoy," Harry shot back. "He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic." As Harry went to walk away, Draco pulled out his wand.

"Draco don't," I warn. Before he could cast a spell though, Moody appeared out of nowhere and transfigured Draco into a ferret. Seconds later, McGonagall heard the commotion and walked over as Moody was having fun moving Draco around with his wand.

"Professor Moody, what are you doing?" McGonagall asked.

"Teaching," Moody replied.

McGonagall gasped. "Is that a student?"

"Well technically, it's a ferret," Moody correct. Moody then made the ferret go down the front of Crabbe's pants, which had me struggling to keep my laughs quiet. However, once the ferret was back on the ground, McGonagall turned it back into Draco, who scoffed at Moody.

"My father will hear about this," Draco threatened.

"Is that a threat?" Moody quizzed and took a step forward, causing Draco to take off in a sprint out of the courtyard.


"Go Harry," I cheer once it was Harry's turn to face the task. The first task seemed simple enough; get the golden egg that was being guarded by a dragon. Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor all went and passed the task like it was nothing, leaving just Harry to take his turn. When Harry exited the tunnel, he made a run straight towards his egg, but a dragon appeared in front of him, knocking him backwards.

"Bloody hell," Ron cursed. "That's a Hungarian Horntail. My brother Charlie has told me all about them. That dragon is one of the most dangerous ones to ever live." Just then, the dragon shot fire at Harry forcing him to retreat behind a rock.

"Harry, your broom," I shout, hoping Harry could hear me over the chaos. I don't know how he did it, but Harry heard me and nodded in my direction. Seconds later, he summoned his broom and flew into the sky, but the dragon broke free from it's chains and flew after him. They both disappeared into the sky behind the clouds, nowhere to be seen. Minutes later though, Harry flew back and grabbed the golden egg from it's spot on the rocks. That night, in the Gryffindor common room, we had a little celebration to celebrate Harry getting past the first test.

"Open the egg, Harry," Seamus instructed. Harry followed the instruction and opened the egg, but nothing pleasant came of it. Instead, a loud screech emitted from the egg. I covered my ears and cringed at the noise, waiting for it to be over. Finally, Harry closed the egg back up, and the screeching stopped.

"Well, it's been a long day, so I'm gonna head up to bed," I say to Harry. "Congrats again on passing the first task. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, I headed up to my dormitory to get some sleep.

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