Y/n's POV
I met Harry, Ron, and Hermione down by Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures, and none of them looked happy. This year we had a few different classes, and the three of them had chosen something that I did not want to go near.
"How was Divination?" I ask them.
"Bloody terrible," Ron muttered. "I shouldn't have taken it in the first place. What are you taking again?"
"Ancient runes," I reply and follow the class towards a clearing in the Forbidden Forest. "There was no way I was going to take Divination. I told you guys not to take it either. Looks like you should've listened."
"All right everyone. Open your books up," Hagrid instructed.
"And how do we do that?" Malfoy implored snarkily.
"Just stoke the spine of course," Hagrid responded.
"Wait until my father hears that Hogwarts is letting this oaf teach their classes," Malfoy mumbled to the Slytherins.
"Shut up Malfoy!" Harry snapped at the boy.
Malfoy took a menacing step towards Harry, his face contorting to one of terror. "Dementor! Dementor!" Harry flinched and turned to look around alongside the rest of the student body while I just stood there with my arms crossed. Draco and the rest of the Slytherins laughed and then pulled the hoods of their robes onto their heads to mock dementors.
"Oh shove off Malfoy," I sneer and turn to face the clearing where Hagrid had appeared with a large beast. The torso, back legs, and tail belonged to a horse, but the front legs, wings, and head belonged to an eagle.
"Everyone, meet Buckbeak," Hagrid introduced and motioned to the creature.
"Wow. That's a hippogriff," I note.
Hagrid nodded. "The first thing you have to know is that these creatures are very prideful. You never want to insult one. Now, who wants to say hello first?" While I had been too busy admiring Buckbeak, I didn't notice everyone in the class take a large step backwards, leaving me up front by myself. "Ah, Y/n. Come on over."
"I really don't think that's a good idea," I put forth.
"Nonsense," Hagrid disagreed. "Take a step towards him and bow. If he bows back then he'll let you pet him." I took a cautious step forward, my shoes crunching against the forest floor, and bowed. Buckbeak looked me up and down, bust instead of bowing back, he squawked. Fear took over me, and I stumbled backwards, my back hitting the trunk of a very large tree. "It's all right. Try again." I stepped forward again, and this time, Buckbeak bowed, allowing me to pet him. I sighed in relief as I placed my hand on his beak, causing him to rub his head against my robes.
"Good boy," I murmur and rub his head.
"I reckon he'll let you ride him now if you'd like," Hagrid told me.
"I think I'm good," I say.
"You'll be all right," Hagrid assured me.
"If she doesn't want to do it, then she doesn't have to," Malfoy spoke up from behind me.
I could feel my face heat up at that fact that Draco stood up for me, but the redness went away in an instant when Hagrid lifted me up an placed me on Buckbeak's back. Before I could even comprehend what was happening, Hagrid slapped Buckbeak on the rear, and then we were flying. I wrapped my arms around Buckbeak's neck and flattened myself against his back. One of my biggest fears was heights. Being on a broom was fine because I was in control of how high I could go, and I was confident in what I could and couldn't do while up there. But the second my life was in the hands of someone else while we were this high up, I was deathly afraid. I peaked out from Buckbeak's feathers, and my eyes caught sight of Hogwarts. From where I was, the view was beautiful. However, that didn't last long, because I then looked down, and when I saw how high up we were, I freaked out and clutched onto Buckbeak tighter. Finally, we landed back on the ground, and the whole class was clapped. I scrambled off of Buckbeak's back, thankful to be back on solid ground.
"I think it's great that you're teaching a class now, Hagrid, but don't force students into doing something they're not comfortable with," I lecture and make my way back over to the other students.
"If Fawley can do it, than so can I," Malfoy claimed and stepped forward.
"Malfoy no," Hagrid argued and reached out to try and stop him. But he was too late. Buckbeak squawked and reared on his hind legs, bringing his hoof down hard on Draco's arm. As Draco hit the floor, he groaned and clutched his arm, clearly in pain.
"Hagrid, you need to get him to the hospital wing right now," I insist.
"Right. Class dismissed," Hagrid announced and scooped Draco up into his arms. As Hagrid started walking towards the castle, I ran after him, picking up Draco's things along with my own as I passed them.
I waited patiently at the end of the hospital wing while Madam Pomfrey tended to Draco's arm. When she was done bandaging him up, I cautiously walked over and set Draco's things down on the chair next to his bed, finally able to sling my own bag across my shoulder.
"Why are you doing this?" Malfoy asked me. "I've never been anything but mean to you."
I smiled. "You spoke out to Hagrid when I said I didn't want to ride Buckbeak. I appreciated that more than you think I did. Besides, none of your goons would actually be kind enough to carry your things. So, do you want a free baggage porter to the Great Hall or not? Its a one time offer."
"Well, if its only a one time offer, I'd be a fool to not take it," Malfoy affirmed and got out of the hospital bed. "Lead the way." So, I grabbed Draco's bags once again, and the two of us made our way down to the Great Hall. When we arrived at the Slytherin table, I ignored the glares from my fellow classmates and set Draco's things down.
"Ooh. Fawley and Malfoy," Goyle teased and made kissy faces at the two us.
"Hush up, Goyle," I lecture. "I'm just helping him because I knew none of you would. I'll see you tomorrow, Malfoy."
"Yeah," Malfoy returned. "And thanks for everything, Y/n." For the first time ever, Draco had said my first name. And I had no problem saying it back.
"No problem, Draco," I say before heading to the Gryffindor table to grab some lunch.

House Crossed Lovers; A Draco Malfoy Love Story
FantasyY/n Fawley grew up in the wizarding world, her parents both being from pureblood families. And now, it's finally time for her to start Hogwarts. Along the years, she gains a good number of friends, but ends up being the closest to Harry, Ron, and He...