Dear Star,
Since you have found this letter, you must have gone back home to your parents.
I know you are confused about a lot of things and some things may not be making since and I am about to explain everything to you.
Star, first thing first. The most important thing I can ever tell you is NEVER EVER can a human find out you are a fallen angel. If they ever find out very bad and dangerous things happen. Not only is it dangerous for us but for them also. I know you all ready know this, which is why you came back home. Isn't it? To warn them?
(Damn. It was as if he could read my mind before I ever even made a move.)
For your parents and our protection I have erased their memory of the night of your birthday, the night you got your wings and the following days. I then replaced them with different memories, the last one was the fight you supposebly had about wanting to go to college and be on your own for once.
I had to do this Star. Not just for our future but mostly for their safety. I am not happy about you going back home withput even speaking to me first where we could have avoided this letter.
You must be on your way and leave the home as soon as possible. Lucifer allowed me to spare your parents on the condition that you never return home and you follow the paths of the other fallen angels who are to stay hidden from humanity. You being there right now jeopardises this agreement and if he finds out you are home again, he may kill your parents and come after you. You must never under estimate him.
You were perfectly safe here in Ireland with me. I understand you may not like everything I am called by duty to do but you must see, it is against law to go against your commanding officer or death follows. Lucifer is head of us all and when we die, we end up in He'll, never to return to Earth again.
I do not like what I do sometimes, but I do it all for you and I. So we can be together and I can keep you safe and the ones that you love away from harm.
You did not know it, Star, but not everyone in your life is their by coincidence. Your best friend Alysa and her "parents" are all also fallen angels. They moved next to you and bought the neighbors house at a high price when you were just a baby. We all have our own special abilities. Alysa who is one of us, is really a protector for you and a spy for Lucicer. She can change her form and her age whenever she wants. This is why she lives next door to you. She has been on Earth since we fell and has been watching over you. When you got your wings on the night of your birthday she saw it all and contacted me and Lucifer both and I was called to return you to where you belong, with me and the others like us.
Alysa may be your best friend in heart but never forget to her this was just a mission to keep an eye out on you and your progress but also to log your every move and Lucifer knows all about you, even your relationship with God.
She probably has all ready contacted Lucifer and told him you have returned home. I expect he knows by now and will contact me soon enough. By the time you finish this letter Lucifer will have made go his mind to kill or spare your parents.
You must pack your bags right now. You can NOT under estimate what the angels and the demons are capable of. The sooner you leace the better. It is dire that you leave in the night. Take your red truck, do not fly. Come back to me, Star. I can take care of you. It would be best if you do not know what happens to your parents from now on. Any kind of contact leads to death if they even survive the night it will be a miracle.
Please let me protect you, please come back, we belong together Star, and deep down you feel it too. We were designed and made for one another and for a reason and purpose. We did not choose our love and path, Our father, God did.
I am not the monster you think I am. Give me a chance.
Yours Truly.
Fallen Star
Short StoryNew series Part 1 of 3 When a falling star struck down in the middle of the Hunters farm, it was a suprise to find a young baby girl crying in the middle of the crater. The Hunters could not turn their back on her so they raised her themselves and n...