It started with a look...

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Marionette woke up from her slumber and checked her alarm clock. "Oh no I overslept again! I'm gonna be late!" She quickly jumped out of bed, and got ready for school. Once she was done, she darted across the street and towards the school. "Ow Marinette can't you see where your going or are you just too dumb?" Said a voice she really didn't want to hear that day. It was Chloe. To her surprise, Marinette snapped "Move Chloe now is not the time! Then Marinette ran leaving the speechless Chloe behind.

Marinette's POV

I woke up this morning to a light tapping on my shoulder. It was none other than my Kwami, Tikki. She exclaimed in her tiny voice "Marinette, you're going to be late for school!" I jumped out of bed and quickly tried to make it to school. I think I bumped into Chloe because I got a pretty rude response from her when she was standing near me, but that's nothing new. I can't believe that I got so distracted that I let a bit of my ladybug side show. I have to be careful so it doesn't happens again! I've gotta be sweet Marinette! "Marinette! You have to act like Marinette not Ladybug!" Tikki scolded. " I know I know. I'll do better next time" I responded.


As the class settled down, Alya kept squirming in her seat. Marinette asked what was wrong but Alya said "Nothing! Quite the opposite, actually! I think I'm really close to discovering ladybugs identity!". "Really!" Marinette exclaimed... Maybe a little too loud, as it alerted their friends and fellow classmates, Nino and Adrien. "Whatcha dudes talking about?" Nino asked. Before Marinette could dismiss him Alya answered "I might have found out who ladybug is!". This caught Adrien's attention.

Adriens POV

I looked at Marinette in a different way as usual today... Am I falling for her? But my heart belongs to ladybug. If only they were the same person...
*half an hour later*
I must have been day dreaming for a while because I snapped out of it as soon as I heard the words "I might have found out who ladybug is!". Did Alya just say what I think she said! Could she actually know who M'lady is! Ok don't be suspicious Adrien... "Who?". Alya said, "Well it's someone in our class... Who has blue hair or has hair short enough to wear a wig... is kind enough to save the world...and has blue I think it is.......Rose!" Rose?! Could M'lady really be Rose?! Is Rose the love of my life?! This is too much to take in... I think I'm gonna fai- *adrien faints*.

Sorry my chapters are so short but I will post often! Also a special shoutout to a very talented writer slothpraiser123 !!
I'll try to post every day or so! Feel free to leave comments and constructive criticism!

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