Pool Party! And T/D

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Marinette noticed she had a few scars, from running away to transform, but she figured she could pass that off as her being clumsy. After they were changed, they went to the pool.
Alya and Marinette got to the pool, and took of the clothes that they wore over their swim suits. Nino looked at Marinette, with a confused look on his face. "Dude! You have abs! How?!". He walked over to her and started poking her stomach. Alya giggled. "Nino, leave the pool girl alone! Besides, we want to swim!", and with that, they got in the pool. Marinette noticed that Adrien was sitting all alone on a lounge chair near the pool. She went over and sat next to him. "What's wrong, Adrien?" She asked. "Nothing, I just don't feel like swimming." He said, which seemed like the truth, but Marinette knew him too well and could see past his fake smile, the one he only used for photoshoots. Marinette's voice changed to a playful tone. "Don't be fake with me young man, why are you not swimming?". Adrien ignored the question and instead he looked at her stomach, and of course he noticed the abs but he also noticed that she had many small scars. "What happened" he said as he pointed to her stomach. She shrugged. "Just me being clumsy" she said and apparently he believed it. I mean, he had no reason not to. Marinette tried to encourage Adrien to come in the pool, but he said he was insecure, which she didn't believe, but chose not to push it. After a little, she joined the others, and apparently just in time, because Kim had just yelled "Chicken fight!" And everyone partnered up. (If you don't know how to play, two people are partners and one person is on the others shoulders, and they find another group to compete with. The 2 people on top try to knock the other person down) Nathanial was about to ask Marinette to be his partner, but Adrien saw him and yelled "Wait! I'm gonna get in the pool! Marinette do you wanna be my partner?" And Marinette quickly agreed. They played the game for a little, and then got out of the pool and went to their rooms. The class, except Chloe and Sabrina, wanted to play truth or dare. They went to Nino and Adrien's room, and sat down. They spun a bottle and it landed on Marinette. Alya smirked and as soon as Marinette saw it, she knew what was coming. Well atleast she thought she did, but Alya has a different plan. "Marinette, truth or dare?" Alya said, her smirk not leaving her face. Marinette decided to go with the safe option, "truth". "What do you think of your friend, Liam?" And Marinette knew what she was trying to do. She wanted her to say that she liked him. But she didn't. She already liked someone. She already loved someone. And Alya knew that. So why was she doing this? "He's like a brother to me" Marinette responded. At least she didn't ask about Chat Noir, she thought. They spun the bottle again and it landed on Alix. Everyone knew about her crush on Nathanial, but he was too dense to see it. "Truth or dare" someone asked. "Truth". They decided to go easy on her. Well kinda. "Who was your first crush?". The question came from Kim, surprisingly. Alix looked at his and said, "you". It wasn't that surprising, so they continued. They spun again. It landed on Marinette, again. Wow this is my lucky day, she thought, and before anyone said anything she said, "Truth" and she groaned. Rose looked at her and said, "who was your first kiss". Alya was about to answer for her, saying "Oh she hasn't- umm I'd rather not talk about it" Marinette continued. Everyone looked at her, wide eyed. "Give me something!" Alya pleaded. Marinette gave in and said, "My crush". Everyone knew she was in love with Adrien, and she didn't say it was the love of my life. No. She said crush. But they didn't know about Chat Noir. Marinette thought, many times, that if there was no Adrien, she might have considered Chat Noir. What she didn't know was, if there was no Adrien, there would be no Chat Noir.

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