In the air

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The group woke up, got ready, and got their luggage. They went downstairs to get breakfast, and everyone was energized and awake, since they were excited for the trip. Once they were down, Marinette made them all pancakes. She gave everybody some and sat down. They all ate, and started walking to school. They were meant to be at school at 4:00 so they could get on the bus to the airport. Once they got to the school they started to get on the bus. Alya sat next to Marinette and Nino sat with Adrien. Once the bus started driving, Marinette slowly started to fall asleep. She woke up to Alya shaking her and saying, "Marinette were here!" She got up and realized they were at the airport. They got off the bus and onto the airport. Once they got to their gate, there were 10 minutes until they were to board their plane. Marinette and Alya told Ms. Bustier, who was their chaperone for their trip, that they were going to go to Starbucks and would be right back. She nodded and Alya and Marinette ran off. They got to Starbucks and looked at the menu. Then Marinette noticed the brownies they had. She had an idea that she would get Adrien one and Alya would get Nino one. Alya agreed and they got their brownies and their drinks. Marinette got an Iced Latte with almond milk, and Alya got an Iced Caramel Macchiato. They went back to their gate, and waited for a few minutes until they got on the plane. Ms. Bustier led the groups to their first class rooms. Alya, Nino, Marinette and Adrien entered their room, and sat on the beds they had. Alya nudged Marinette and she said "Oh right.. um Nino and A-adrien, me and Alya got you s-some brownies" and they both handed them to their friends. They happily ate the brownies, while the girls drank their coffee.

Marinette's POV

After we finished our drinks and the boys finished their food, I noticed that our room had a karaoke machine. "Karaoke battle!" I yelled. "What?" Nino and Adrien asked. I then explained that we should have a karaoke battle between Alya and Me verses Adrien and Nino, and that the songs have to be duets. The boys agreed and then I whispered to Alya the song that we should do. "Somebody to you" I said, and she squealed. We both knew this song by heart.

Adrien's POV

Marinette and Alya sang their song and me and Nino gave them a standing ovation. They were amazing! Marinette especially.. You could tell they both sang the song about someone, and I already knew that Alya's song was about Nino.. But who was Marinette's about? She barely looked at me when she sang the song... I don't know why she doesn't really talk to me unless she had to, and even when she does she stutters. What did I do? Nino interrupted my thoughts when he yelled "Our turn!", grabbed me, and ran up to the stage. He handed me a mic and then whispered the song we were going to do. We sang 'Ive had the time of my life' and not to brag, but we crushed it!

(Still Adrien's POV)

The girls clapped for us and then we all layed on our beds. Then Alya jumped out of bed and said "We need snacks!" And opened a pantry filled with everything you could want! We grabbed some snacks, and ate while we talked. It was a 7 hour flight, and we had only been on the plane for an hour. We would arrive in China at 7pm, since China was six hours ahead of France. Then we would go to our hotel and get settled. The next week we had many activities planned. I was tired and we still had a long way to go, so I said "Maybe we should go to sleep, we still have a long way to go..". Everyone agreed and we layed down in our individual beds, and fell asleep.


The group was still fast asleep, and there was half an hour until they got to the Chinese airport. Marinette, being a light sleeper, woke up to an announcement on the plane. It was "Hello, this is your captain speaking, if you look out your window, you will see that we have just flown above China. She squealed and yelled "Were in China!" so loud that it woke everyone in her room up. Alya groaned and said "Are we there yet" and Marinette's reply was no. Alya yawned and tiredly said "Then why did you wake up us..". Marinette looked out the window, at her home, and said "We are flying over China!" and Alya got out of bed and ran to the window. China looked absolutely beautiful. "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" Alya said, with her face pressed up against the glass. Nino and Adrien were doing the same but at a different window. Then there was another announcement. "Everyone sit in your seats and fasten your seatbelt, as to prepare for landing" and the group did as told. After a little bit the captain said "We have landed in the national airport of China, please get your luggage and make your way off the plane".

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