★・・・1. Harassed・・・★

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  Annie's POV: 

It's the first day of Junior year and I'm so excited to see my friends... well some of them. I hadn't seen them all summer because I went back to Maryland to visit my family (at the private school she goes to they basically all live in dorms, kinda like college) I was excited to see Jayden and Lauren, but I was most excited about seeing Johnny. He was my first friend at this school. I tell him everything. I decided it was time for me to get up and I finally did. I got dressed and I put on some back skinny jeans and a garnet off the shoulder top once I got ready I walked from my dorm room to the school building. As I was waking I ran into this guy. I couldn't tell who he was but I fell when I ran into him and I nearly knocked him down. 

A- I'm so sorry-
JO- it's okay Annie, it's me.
A- JOHNNY!!!! I didn't even realize it was you I ran into.
Johnny reached out his hand to help me up and as soon as I stood up I hugged him so tightly
A- I missed you so much over the summer!!
JO- oh you have no idea how much I missed you. How was Maryland?
A- it was nice seeing my family but nothing interesting happened. But I will say it was nice being away from all the guys here that try to harass me.
JO- I bet
We both laughed. Johnny was the best friend I could ever ask for. 

Johnny's POV: 

We started to laugh. Her laugh could put a smile on my face any day, anytime. Annie bent down and grabbed her book that she had dropped. Right as she bent down Mark came running over towards us. 

M- wassssuuupppp broki!!!
He fist pumped me and then looked at Annie. I could tell that he was looking at her ass because she was bent over picking her stuff up. Mark started to whisper towards me. 

M- watch this!!

He said that and I didn't have time to react. Mark grabbed Annie's ass. I could tell that she felt mortified. 

A- Mark!! What the hell!!!
JO- dude that's really not funny.
M- Johnny, what are you talking about? You dared me to do it!! He was trying to blame me.. but I knew that Annie believed me.
JO- I did no such thing.
A- whatever. Johnny let's go.
M- what about me?!
A- you can get lost
M- ahhh you know we are besties

A- yeah sure. 

We started to walk away from Mark and Annie just looks at me.
A- you know I hate him right?
JO- doesn't everyone?
A- then why do we hang out with him?
JO- because he always tags along with us. He has no friends.
A- god he's annoying
JO- anyways... Carson texted me this morning inviting me to his house to hang out tonight and he told me to tell you, Jayden, and Lauren.
A- okay. Sounds fun
JO- but marks gonna be there... A- of course he is.


How did you like Chapter 1?? They will get more interesting as we continue! Comment 💥 for more!!!  

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