★・・・11. Date with Brennan・・・★

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Johnny's POV: 

I think reality was setting in Annie's head of what happened last night with mark, so she was super upset. Everything I said she would get mad at. I was trying to be very careful with my words so that I wouldn't upset her.

A- well I don't need you to worry about me anymore
JO- what?
A- because I'm gonna go out with Brennan.

She said that and stomped away and went to go talk to Brennan. I whispered to myself as she walked away from me. ''but... I love you. ''

It was already to late. She was gone. The love of my life was gone. I knew there was nothing I could do right now to change it so I just went to class. I was hoping that Annie would think about everything and would want to talk to me later. 

Annie's POV:

I knew John had done nothing wrong to me but all of my emotions have been building up for so long that I just broke. I knew that John probably hated me now. I knew that he was worried about me and that's why he didn't want me hanging out with Brennan.. but I didn't care anymore. I wanted a boyfriend that would keep me safe.. I wanted that guy to be ... but I guess Brennan was okay too. I went to school and the day went by really slowly. John stared at me the entire day but I tried not to make awkward eye contact. Although John stared at me for most the day he wouldn't say a word to me. After school was over I was walking back to my dorm and Brennan ran up to me.
B- um hey Annie
A- hey
B- do you want to go get some ice cream or something?
I didn't really want to go... I wanted to go somewhere with Johnny, but I knew that wasn't an option right now so I just said yes to Brennan.
A- um. Sure.
B- okay lets go.
We walked to the ice cream shop near our school and Brennan bought mine. We talked for a little bit and he seemed very nice. I felt like I could trust him. Brennan walked me back to my apartment and right as we got outside he leaned in and kissed me.
B- I had fun today
A- so did I.
Brennan walked away and I looked to my side because I could feel someone staring at me and I saw John staring at me with a rose in his hand. 

JO- and here I was to apologize to you.

I started to think to myself.. and I didn't know what to say... why was Johnny here with a rose?? He threw the rose in the trash can and walked away. I fell to the ground and I started to cry. I had no one..
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