★・・・10. Jealousy・・・★

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  Johnny's POV: 

I was walking to class alone since I had to go change clothes after staying at Annie's apartment. As I was walking to class I saw Annie... and she was talking to another guy. The guy looked like an older, bigger.. and better version of me. I knew it. I knew Annie didn't like me. I walked up to Annie and the mystery boy because I wanted to see what's up. As I walked up the guy walked away and gave me a death glare
JO- um.. who was that?
A- a friend.
She looked down when she said that. I could tell that she wasn't being open with me. She was my best friend. 

Annie's POV:

Johnny saw me talking to this new guy, Brennan. He asked me who it was and I just told him that Brennan was a friend. I didn't want John to think I had a thing with this guy because I really liked Johnny... but he didn't know that.
JO- Annie I know that wasn't "just a friend"
A- what are you talking about?
I could see in his face that he was a mixture of angry and upset. I really didn't know why he was so worried about me talking to a guy... it's not like he likes me like that anyways. Maybe he was just worried that this guy would try to do something like mark.

Johnny's POV: 

Annie was refusing to be open with me and tell me who the guy was and it really hurt my feelings.
JO- Annie you just gave that guy your number. That doesn't seem like "just a friend"
A- oh so I can't have my friends number?
I didn't mean to start yelling... it just kinda happens when I'm angry. When I yelled at her I could tell that I upset her. I was the only guy in her life other than her dad that treated her right. She's had a rough time with guys ever since her brother passed away and now I was acting just as bad as guys like Carson, Mark, and Brennan.
A- Why the hell do you care if I go out with a boy anyways?
JO- Annie I can't do this right now. You are hurt right now and you need time to heal... I don't want to fight with you.
A- oh so you are going to treat me differently because Mark tried to rape me?

JO- Annie stop yelling!! Not everyone needs to know about that.

A- oh so your taking Marks side? You don't want people to know the truth??  JO- Annie that's not what I'm saying at all

A- then what are you saying?
JO- that I care about you a lot and I'm worried about you. You've been through so much. Your brother, Living without your family just for school, Mark. It scares me that something else could happen to you.
A- well I don't need you to worry about me anymore
JO- what?
A- because I'm gonna go out with Brennan.
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