★・・・19. Harassed, One more Time・・・★

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Johnny's POV: 

JO- how many freaking times do I have to tell you... DO NOT TOUCH MY GIRL!
B- oh please she doesn't even like you. 

JO- I'm pretty damn sure that she would rather be with me than with your pervert self.

B- well she's staying with me.
JO- I've punched you once. Do I need to do it again?

He gripped Annie's wrist strongly and yanked her behind him. I could see that she was trying to pull away to get away from him.


When I said that Brennan turned towards Annie and hit her across the face. She didn't even say anything... I just saw her sweet face start to cry. 


That's when I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't stand there letting him hurt her. I pulled him off Annie and I started to punch him multiple times. I kept punching him until some random guy pulled me off of him. This guy looked like he was about mine and Annie's age. 

Random guy- hey dude get off of him. 

I was pissed. How could this dude take Brennan's side after he just hit Annie. 


Annie came up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist when I said that 

A- John, it's okay.. just calm down. It's over now.

Annie always knew how to calm me down.... she was the only person in this world that could put me in a good mood just by the sound of her voice. 

Random Guy- listen I'm not taking this dudes side (pointing at Brennan who was laying on the ground). I didn't see the whole thing so I don't know what he did.. all I saw was you punching him so I stopped it. 

JO- he deserved it. He was touching her ass and up her shirt and then hit her across the face. He's an asshole.

Annie's POV:

The random guy looked very concerned.. he looked at me and started to speak. 

Random guy- is the guy on the ground your boyfriend? 

Annie and John- Nooooooo!!
Random guy- is he your boyfriend?? (Pointing at Johnny) 

This was the second time today that people asked if Johnny was my boyfriend. Did We give off the vibe that we liked each other? 

A- um... no.. it's kinda complicated..
Random guy- well my names Connor.. and my number is-
JO- Shes not interested. We have to get home

John grabbed my hand and we started to walk out of the park and towards his car. 

A- so.. who's the jealous one now?
JO- I'm not jealous... I just don't want anymore asshole guys around you that might hurt you.
A- Johnny you were so jealous
JO- I was not!
A- well as as close friend to me once said "I'm just messing with you. I like the fact that you care about me. It's sweet." 

JO- heyyyy I said that to you earlier!! A- that's the point dummy!!!

We got in the car and John drove me to my apartment. I got out of his car and so did Johnny. This made me kind of nervous.. he wasn't planning on staying the night was he?

JO- what's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost...
A- you aren't staying the night are you?
JO- no I'm just walking you to your room... unless you want me to stay the night.. 

he smirked at me when he said that. Goshhhhh It was so hard to act normal in front of him... all I wanted to do is wrap my arms around him and kiss him. We walked up to my room and we stopped in front of the door.

JO- I had a really good time tonight.. other than that one incident.
A- so did I John.
That's when Johnny leaned in and kissed me... and I couldn't help it.. I kissed back.
What's going to happen between them? Comment your favorite part of this chapter!! And I think there's only going to be one more chapter of this story.. but don't worry I have another one planned. Comment 🍓 for more!  

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