★・・・13. Saved By Johnny, Again・・・★

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  Johnny's POV:

I got ready for school and I started to walk there. Once I got there I went to my locker so that I could get some books for my first period class. As I was putting my books away I heard a male voice yell Annie's name so I looked in that direction. I saw Brennan talking to Annie but I couldn't hear there conversation. I could tell that Annie didn't want to talk to him though. I saw Brennan get closer to her and slip his hand up her skirt and I couldn't stay quite anymore. He wasn't going to treat her like this.
B- oh and what are you going to do if I don't
JO- I'll beat your ass
B- that's funny.
JO- don't think I won't
B- why does it matter? Every guy at this school touches her
I could tell that Annie felt uncomfortable and didn't want to be near Brennan.
B- oh so you would be mad if I did this?
When Brennan said that he took his hand and grabbed Annie's ass again.
A- Brennan get your hands off me
I was so pissed. I pinned Brennan against the locker and I punched him in the face... multiple times.
B- dude.. what the hell?
JO- I told you to get your hands off of her before I beat your ass. Did you think I was a liar?
B- no I just thought you were a punk.
JO- get the hell out of here before I hit you again.
B- whatever
Brennan started to walk away.
JO- and don't come near Annie again.
I turned and I looked back at Annie and we just stared at each other for a good couple of seconds
A- I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you about him...
JO- Annie it's okay... we all make mistakes
And before I knew it Annie wrapped her arms around me and gave me the biggest hug I've ever received
JO- someone's in a good mood, considering what just happened
A- I'm just so happy that I have you in my life.. you treat me so well, even when I don't deserve it. You are the most amazing friend that a girl could ask for
Friend.... ouch.
JO- I'm always here for you Annie
Principal: Johnny Orlando,  report to my office NOW
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