★・・・15. Skipping School for John・・・★

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  Annie's POV:

I waited for John while he was in the principals office because I wanted to know what would happen with him. He finally walked out the principals office door and I could tell that me was pissed.
A- sooo...?
JO- I'm suspended for the week.
A- what?
JO- you heard me.
A- I'm so sorry.
H- I gotta go. I'll see you later.

He walked out the door and I was left at school by myself. Lauren and Jayden have gotten really close recently and they have kind of forgotten about me so I was alone all week. Occasionally boys like mark and Carson would cat call me but it wasn't anything that I couldn't handle. I was just happy that Brennan hadn't been at school, so he couldn't mess with me. I went through the week and I got through most of it together. I woke up on Friday and I was so happy. It was my last day at school without John by my side. I started to get ready and I put on a pair of light jean shorts, a simple white and garnet top, and my converse. After I got ready I went to grab my bag and I heard a knock on my door. I had no idea who it could be since it was so early in the morning. I opened the door and Johnny was standing in the hall with a big smile on his face. I was excited to see him because I haven't seen him all week.
A- why do you look so happy?
JO- because I get to hang out with you!
A- no you don't.. I have school
JO- well skip it and hang out with me instead
A- Johnny,  I can't do that

JO- why?? I'm 10x more fun than school

A- you are 100x more fun than school
JO- oooo is that a compliment?
A- no it just means that school sucks

We both laughed 

A- but really I gotta go before I'm late
JO- I stood up for you and got suspended for it, please come with me!! It will be fun!
A- you are such a bad influence on me
I smiled at him when I said that and he smiled back.
JO- is that a yes?
A- yes John. I will skip school and hang out with you.
Johnny came closer and hugged me.. and omg it was amazing.
JO- thank you!!! You are the best!!


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