★・・・5. Alone with Mark・・・★

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 Johnny's POV: 

I walked into Hayden's basement and him, mark, and Carson were already in there drinking. (Keep in mind that they are drinking underage!! And I do no promote underage drinking it's just for the story)
M- hey dude what do you want to drink? JO- actually I'm good.
H- what?
JO- I'm not drinking tonight
H- why not?
JO- um... bc I don't want to
H- whatever you buzz kill
I just sat there while they were all drinking .
M- it's hot in here I'm going to the pool
H- okay just don't drown.

Annie's POV:

me, Jayden, and Lauren were all sitting by the pool outside because the guys were inside and they were being obnoxious. We weren't swimming, just sitting by the pool.
J- hey girl I'm gonna go talk to Hayden
L- of course you are😂
J- what can I say? He's cute
L- I actually need to ask him something so I'll go with you.
J- Annie you can come with us too if you want to?
A- no I'm fine.. I'll just stay here
J- by yourself?
A- yeah. I need time to think.
L- okay? We will be back soon!! A- okay!
I was out there by myself for about 10 minutes but then I heard the back door open. I was expecting it to be Lauren and Jayden because they said they were coming back but it was Mark. And he had no shirt on. (M- Mark and A-Annie)
M- woah I didn't know you were out here... A- yeah.. I've been out here for a while. What are you doing out here?
M- I'm going for a swim
When he said that he dove into the pool. I just watched him because he always made me feel uncomfortable and I didn't know what to say.
M- what are you doing? Get in!!
A- no I'm good
M- ah come on!! It's fun!
A- I don't have a swimsuit
I said that so he would catch the hint that I don't want to get in, but when I said that his eyes lit up.
M- then swim in your bra and underwear.... or you could skinny dip 

I felt really uncomfortable by the way he was talking to me and it made me feel sick. I hated being out here with him.. I needed my friends to come back out here and save me from this awkward situation. What I needed was John... but no one came. I was out here alone with this pervert who is 3 years older than me.


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