★・・・21. Making Love with Johnny・・・★

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3rd Person POV: 

"Still raining out?"

Annie smiled and leaned on the doorway. Johnny closed the door behind himself and walked over to Annie so he could give her a long, well needed hug."A little. You smell good..." He smirked at Annie causing her to feel flustered."Thank you? I took a shower." Annie's sarcasm caused a laugh to come flowing out of him. Something seemed to be going on in his head. Annie could tell he was quite distracted but not in the bad way."Everything okay?" He smiled, walked past her, and tapped her butt."John,.. Stop it." Of course he thought Annie was joking so he turned around smiling, only to see Annie looking serious."Why? I'm just having fun! Being at that damn building for 8 hours without you is like caging me up." John began to get closer to her again, making her heart race but She didn't want to give into him tonight."I'm not in the mood.. I'm sorry." Annie knew what he wanted but for some reason She wasn't in the mood to give it to him tonight. He's young but These two have only done it twice. Both times magical but Annie didn't want Johnny to resort to being sex crazed. "I understand.. I love you." Johnny pecked her cheek and walked into the kitchen to grab a water. Annie tried to smile but she felt like she hurt him. He'd get over it though. He looked like he was going to walk up the stairs to shower or something but instead he stopped right behind Annie and hit Annie's butt even harder than the last time."That's it..."

Annie could feel herself heat up and She angrily turned around to yell at Johnny but he just bit his lip at Annie, turning her on. "Run" Annie said with a growl in her tone at John. He did as told and took off up the steps. After reaching the bedroom, Annie couldn't find him. While searching for John, the bedroom door closed suddenly causing Annie to jump a little, but there Johnny stood, waiting with his arms crossed and his playful smirk."So you're not in the mood huh?" Annie felt speechless and stuttered on her words. Johnny pinned her against the cold wall."N-no. I'm n-not!" The smirk on Johnny's face became lustful and Annie began to feel herself melt between Johnny's  arms. "Then why is your face so pink? And your words broken up? You have those eyes that say you want it just as much as I do.." John's face grew closer to hers, his eyes looking softly at her lips and her eyes. "J-Johnny." John's lips began at Annie's neck, planting warm kisses with tiny bites along the way to her lips. His warm touch enveloping her every sensation. Annie did want him. Now his hands hugged Annie's waist and fingers played with her pants lining. She wanted to be the one kissing him and teasing him but John had her right where he wanted her. With one quick movement John had Her pants undone and slightly moved down to reveal Annie's black laced panties.

Johnny began to press himself on Annie's leg and Annie could feel how hard he was, even throbbing. "Let me go.. I want to help you..."Johnny didn't argue with her, and now it was him against the wall. Annie kissed his lips, moved down to his jaw/neck and bit at him which cause chills to go up his arms. Afterwards she moved all the way down and quickly, she helped him undo his pants and his member popped up at her causing a giggle to come from her and an embarrassed smile from John Teasingly and slowly Annie licked at the head of his penis causing him to jolt a little and clench his fists against the wall. As John moved her mouth up and down his shaft, his moans became louder and louder making her wet. Every few times he'd move a piece of her hair out of the way and watch her. "I don't w-want to.. Cum yet!" His words made Annie stop and look up at him. Next thing Annie knew she was  pushed onto the bed, pants removed, top moved up along with her bra to expose her bare breasts. Johnny kissed her lips and moved down to her soaking vagina where he began to kiss around it. Annie's fists clenched on the sheets, ready for what was going to happen. Johnny's tongue began exploring her causing ecstatic moans to come from her. The more she moaned the faster Johnny went, driving Annie crazy. 


Annie could feel herself slipping into an orgasm before John stopped as if he knew. Before continuing, both of them completely undressed and Johnny grabbed a condom. He laid back on the bed and as eager as he was to start he still asked Annie if she was okay with this before beginning. Once Annie agreed ,  he teased her opening with the head of his member making shiver. When he entered, a large gasp escaped Annie's mouth as if she was anticipating this all day. Her legs wrapped around John protectively and a smile came on his face."I really do love you.. Remember that.." John kissed her forehead and nose and then his hips began to thrust in and out of Annie . Her hands gripped tightly at his back, which he didn't mind. The motions became faster and faster until the sounds of skin coming together and moans filled the room. John's moans made Annie want to orgasm then and there but she refused. Somehow,  both managed to move to where Johnny was sitting and she was on top of him which made Johnny's hip movements go deeper into Annie. At this point Annie's hands were tangled in his hair and both of them were whimpering loudly in each others ears. Her breasts bounced against his skin only causing Johnny to get harder inside her. "T-t-tight!" Johnny could barley speak as he was out of breath. Annie's walls began to tighten around  Johnny's throbbing member. It happened. Both of them came at the same time. Muscles spasms galore. Annie didn't even realize how tight John was holding her. Afterwards when he cleaned up they laid together under the covers naked, but cuddling."So not in the mood?" Annie began to giggle. "I guess I was wrong. You kept bugging me though so I had to give into you." Johnny laughed back at her comment and kissed her forehead."Whatever you say."


There you go , you unholy kids.. I hope you enjoyed this Story! Please Make sure you Vote on all the Chapters! It would mean the world to me as I worked so hard on this, especially the last chapter * wink wink* lol ! Tysm for reading this shitty book! Follow me on Wattpad and on Instagram : User: perfectlyjulianna . More Books coming up in the future ! stay tuned!

 ilysm xoxo !!! 

-  ★・・・Mimi・・・★  

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