True Respect

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At first, I had no intention of giving Sector LN a sector story because the members were directly linked to their canon counterparts. But I had too many ideas for these characters that I couldn't let go to waste, and seeing as my G/T story for Witch Academia got way more Favorites than World Rings is getting, you can understand why I wanna switch gears a little bit. After all, Little Witch Academia is a show that leaves me desperately craving for more, but the only way to satisfy my lust is to write my own adventures for them. I also plan to include some ideas that didn't make it into World Rings.

Chapter 1: True Respect

Planet Avalar; Grunty Industries

High within Avalar's Hivory Mountains lay the foundation of Grunty Industries, famous the world over for the manufacturing of magical medicines, magic-powered technology, and even magical foods. However, the wisest people would know of the horrors that take place in this factory, from the skin being shed off unicorns, the waste being condensed into pills (with just that extra drop of cream to make it taste good), or the snot that the man-sized bees were sneezing into the honeycomb cereal.

Today, the president of this corporation was walking out onto a landing pad. Aside from being a disembodied skull in a jar, she dressed cleanly and professionally, a jet-black suit to go with her shoes and hat, made lovely by the purple patterned tie.

"This woman is Gruntilda Winkybunion, one of the biggest business tycoons on both Avalar and Galaxia. While the governments see her as an admirable businesswoman, we Kids Next Door know better. In the past, she kidnapped a young girl named Tooty with the intent to steal her beauty, and then she tried draining the life force out of her home island. On both instances, she was bested by a sentient bear and bird called Banjo and Kazooie, both of whom became famous KND operatives. But that was over 28 years ago. Banjo and Kazooie are retired operatives and have successfully run Grunty off their island."

Gruntilda and her vice-president, an obese bee called Capital B, faced up and waved as a cargo ship appeared to be landing down. A band of humanoid dinosaurs began to load crates into the factory.

"Recently, she has begun working with the notorious Kremling Krew, and there's no doubt that, through their resources, she has become an even bigger crime lord. Her appointment into the Corporate Presidents has further increased her status as a threat. That's why all Kids Next Door sectors are encouraged to collect whatever info we can in the hopes of bringing her down."

"Who needs info, Diana? We know that she's evil, so all we need to do is take the fight to her!"

A sentient weasel in a floating chair and a metallic left arm and eye began to carve open the boxes and study the materials. "Ah, Saurian Moon Seeds, yes, good, und here ve have ze Red-Eye fossils, ah ze eyes do stay intact, ja, and vhat marvelous stones, is vhat zey use to build zeir temples, ja? Vell, President Grunty, you can always count on zose reptiles to deliver ze goods, yes? A good eye for quality zey have, a very good eye indeed."

"I sure hope so, Von Kriplespac. See what you can do, and do not slack!" Grunty ordered.

"Perhaps now we can design a more suitable body for Dr. Quack." Capital B suggested. "He got stuck in the elevator again and I'm tired of picking him up."

Indeed, a water dispenser with pink liquid and a duck's head inside was knocked over in the elevator. "Quack! You're gonna be begging for me when Trivial Pursuit comes on!"

"Hm?" Professor Kriplespac looked over at another box, which appeared to be shaking. "My, my, did K. Rool offer us ein pet? Hold on, little vermin, Doctor Kriplespac will cut you open, ja?" The weasel floated over with a knife and cut the box open. "JAAAA!" Colorful smoke exploded from the box and engulfed the room, throwing Capital B and Kriplespac into a coughing fit.

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