In Return For Our Silence

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At first, I planned for Akko to fight Mandy by herself, but logically, she didn't have a chance in Hell. Also, I just HAD to get this chapter up today, because June 25 is Akko's birthday!! Play Chariot's Theme from Witch Academia!

Chapter 9: In Return For Our Silence

Boss fight: Mandy Beret

"Metamorphie Faciesse!" In a flash, Akko became a tiger with a springy tail, giggling gleefully as she bounced around the artificial space. Every time she bounced, there was a puff, and another Tiger Akko formed, and they all began bouncing separately. Mandy grit her teeth in aggravation, shooting all the copies with Finger Pistol, and when one of the animals tried to jump on her, Mandy swiftly dodged and forcefully thrusted her fingers at Akko's chest. Another POOF, and Akko became a little frog that landed on Mandy's hand, but the assassin easily smacked her off—Akko became an armadillo upon landing, rolling around the room as Diana continued to clone her with Doubling Magic.

Tired of this game, Mandy set her sights on Diana, using Shave to get beside the heiress, who swiftly threw up a Protego. Mandy was able to cut through the shield with a few strong kicks, but that's when a chimp pounced on her head and gnawed at her ear. "You LITTLE-!" Mandy stabbed her fingers at it, but the chimp poofed. "Damn it, where'd you go now-...?!" When she looked at her fingers, she spotted a little centipede with colored segments. "Hi!"

"Eeek-!" Mandy didn't have time to react when Akko BURST into her normal form and kicked her in the face. Mandy recomposed and retaliated by zipping behind Akko and tipping fingers to her neck. "Time to skin you like the animal you- huh?!" Some kind of slime got on her hand. Akko turned, her face having become a frog's. "RIBBIT!" She latched her tongue onto a further ceiling and flew away from her grasp, and in Mandy's attempt to follow, the spy stumbled on her own jelly legs. "You dirty cheater!" she shouted at Diana.

"It's okay!" Mandy then looked over at Akko, whose legs were also jelly. "It's just Jelly-Leg Syndrome! All we need is a little air!" And so, she began to puff air into her thumb, and Diana used the Inflation Spell on Akko's legs, an act that Diana felt ashamed of doing. "Whoooaa!" Akko's legs deflated, but they had been stretched three times longer. In her attempt to gain balance, she poofed, becoming a giraffe with long legs and a short neck. "Hey, guys, does this look right to you?"

"Pffff-!" Diana tried to hold in her laughter. Mandy's head pounded out of anger, using Life Return to restore feeling in her legs, but in the time it took to do this, Akko changed back into a human and called, "Phaidoari Afairynghor!" Her Shiny Rod changed into the Shiny Ax, which she brought down with great vigor in attempt to sever Mandy in two. The spy was able to dodge with a Shave, but was shocked to see Akko transform into a chubby white, glowing bird. With Mandy distracted, "HYAH!" the real Akko was able to successfully impale the Shiny Ax into her skull.

Mandy's life flashed before her eyes, horrified that it would all come to end so suddenly. ...But to Mandy's complete astonishment, Akko withdrew the ax, and Mandy felt no wound in her head. "What the hell?! The damn ax didn't do a THING!" Mandy tried to cut her with a Tempest Kick, and Akko changed into a mouse to avoid the distorted airwave. "HEHN?! What gives...?" Mandy asked, feeling some aching pain in her head.

"The Shiny Ax isn't designed to physically hurt people." Akko stated. "It's designed to cut your Chi Paths."

"My...My CHI?!"

"Don't worry, they'll naturally repair their selves. But hopefully not before I can finish the show!" Akko turned into a cheetah with a unicorn's head, speeding around the room before trying to impale her horn into Mandy, who used Paper Art to nimbly avoid the attacks. Akko turned into a Puffy Blowhog to blow Mandy back with her strong wind, so the spy made herself heavy again and used Shave to zip over and puncture Akko with a Finger Pistol. The Blowhog POPPED into stars and confetti, and Akko used the Shiny Rod to make the stars fly up around the room in circles.

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