Writer's Block

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This is one of those chapters where I debated with numerous different plotlines before settling with one. Now, let's meet another character from the show who I strongly relate to.

Chapter 6: Writer's Block

Blytonbury Park

"YAAAAAA!" Akko cheered, stretching her legs to the sky, and then bending her legs back when the swing returned. "WHEEEE!" The swing flew forward again, and up Akko's legs went.

"Honestly, Akko, you don't have to yell like a child every time you swing." Diana told her. The others were at the nearby table, eating sandwiches and cookies.

"Isn't it not safe to swing after you just ate?" Hannah asked. "Especially with the way she wolfed it all down."

"I think that only applies to swimming." Lotte replied.

"When I was little, I always thought swinging would help me get adjusted to the wind, and then it would help me fly better." Akko explained. "My record is 40 minutes, by the way!"

"Great, you'll go down in the books in no time." Barbara remarked. "That reminds me, we have to write what we wanna do for a career, don't we? I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to work in Flora's Steam Gardens. I still don't know what I'm going to do when I get there, exactly."

"Me either." Hannah replied. "I was thinking of working at a film studio and designing outfits."

"I bet that would be pretty fun." Lotte smiled. "I always thought I would just inherit my parents' magic shop. Or be a Spirit Medium."

"You don't wanna be a writer?" Amanda asked. "You write so much fanfiction."

"I'm not good at making original work, though."

"Well, I don't got any future plans. The second school is over, I'm mountin' my broom and surfing the skies. I mean, why does Finnelan expect us to decide what our life will be right now?"

"Either people will have too high expectations or they won't have any." Sucy replied, her sandwich filled with mushrooms. "That's why I'm choosing the simple life of a swamp witch."

"I just wanna become a magic chef and cook food that makes everyone happy." Jasminka replied with her bubbly smile.

"Well, you're on your way." Lotte smiled. "These sandwiches are delicious, Jasminka!"

"Thank you. But I don't think I'm as good as Yuzu from the Earth KND. I tried her food at Field Day and it was amazing."

"Yeah, but she's lucky we didn't let you compete." Amanda remarked, munching a Magma Sandwich. "So, what about you, Try Hard? Still wanna be like Shiny Chariot?"

"You bet! Well, not Shiny Chariot exactly, but with my own style!"

"Still haven't changed a bit." Hannah shook her head. "How about you, Diana? As good as you are, you can go after any job you want."

"Hmmm..." Diana lightly swirled a cup of tea in her hand, staring into it. "I suppose I've... never given thought to what I want to be."

"Really? You could be an archaeologist who reads Dragon Script, a Royal Witch, or at least a professor."

"Finding an appropriate job is one thing, but what kind of job would make me happy? That's my real question. And I can't really decide what job would give me that feeling."

"Then just make something up!" Akko replied, hanging upside-down as she viewed her friends in a swaying, reversed world. "And make up a bunch of bologna for how you're going to work hard and carefully plan it! You can just figure it out later."

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