Sneaky Sucy

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I just learned something funny about Amanda: in Harry Potter, when they were first learning broom-riding, the professor greets a student named Amanda. And as we know, Amanda O'Neill is a master broom-rider. WAS SHE NAMED AFTER THAT HP CHARACTER?!

Chapter 7: Sneaky Sucy

Silver River Forest; 5:20 p.m.

The Silver River was a distinct landmark in the Cheetah Valley, a beautiful river that glistened like silver under the sun. The river originated from a dark forest, where its purity was gone, and in its place was a purple river of pure toxic. The filthy creatures of this wood fed off this toxic as if it were an all-curing drink, yet any other creature could die within moments after ingesting it.

Sucy Manbavaran dipped a purple teacup into the toxic water and sipped the delicious drink, sporting a euphoric smile. "I love a healthy dose of Silver Water in the morning."

"Sucy, isn't that the most poison substance on the planet?" Akko asked.

"My mother fed us this drink all the time when we were little. We Manbavarans are naturally immune to poisons, and we adore it as much as Diana loves tea. You should try some, Akko." She offered a cup of poison to her with a wicked grin.

"No, thank you! I get poisoned by you enough every day."

"You should thank me for building up your immune system! After all, with your lack of skill, it's best to have as much on your résumé as possible."

"Look, can we just get your mushrooms and go home already? I don't wanna spend the last of my Sunday in a stinky forest."

"Not to worry. We'll be going someplace much better soon." Sucy smirked. "Just follow me." The goth witch led her downriver, and they eventually saw a small island with a decayed tree with multiple branches. Beyond that was the edge of a waterfall. While Sucy casually trudged through the purple poison, Akko changed into a mouse and rode on her hat.

When they set foot on the island, Akko changed back as Sucy sprayed red paint into an "X" on the tree. The "X" began to sizzle, and the bark seemed to morph into a blackish-brown, liquidy substance. Akko gaped, terrified when a head grew from the tree, his face smiling and his smoggy hair blowing, and he stretched his muscular arms and legs to show off his physique.

"Ahhhhh... I haven't had a visitor in AGES-ssssss!"

"It's only been a few weeks." Sucy remarked.

"Ahhh... Sucy." The spirit twisted his head upside-down, lowering to her level. "How good to see you... and you've brought a friend."

"H-Hi." Akko smiled weakly, pinching her nose shut. "My name's Akko. You two seem well-acquainted."

"Oh, I've known Sucy's family for quite a long time." The disembodied head drifted around them, shrouding them in his smoke. "I've never met so many non-poisonbenders who can ssstand my ssscent. Most mortals would die within 50 feet of me!"

"Cough!" Akko struggled to withstand his smoke. "Just who are you, anyway?!"

"This is Hexxus." Sucy replied. "The God of Poison."

"Y-You're an actual god?!"

"Oh, sssure!" Hexxus floated up, hands on his hips. "Just because I never get invited to god parties and I have to shower in deodorant to attend meetings, mortals act like they've never heard of me. Sure, I may have killed a few forests in my time, but who hasn't?! I trained the freaking Negatar! And the gods want me to stay in this damned forest! I can't even find me a decent girlfriend." Hexxus twisted his head about-face, crossing his arms around his back to scratch his armpits. "Not since I hooked up with this fat bitch a few thousand years back. Ho ho ho, did she get sick! Meh, she was a slut, anyway. So, Sucy, I assume you're here for more of my sweet ingredients?"

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