Centuries Old Feud

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Oh my God, apparently the Witch Academia manga had a chapter where Annabel suffers from writer's block! XD It's just like with Jasminka, I come up with ideas for these characters without realizing the manga did them! But that doesn't compare to the new One Piece chapter, which I'll get into later.

Chapter 8: Centuries Old Feud

Hivory Mountains

A golden statue of Gruntilda towered over the center of the factory lobby, reminding all the workers who was in power. At the feet of the statue was a silver one of Capital B, who was certainly not as powerful, but it was good enough. The vice-president in question had finished polishing his statue before facing up at Grunty's. "Some day..." he spoke with a twinkle in his eye, dreaming of big things. "Eh?" He heard a door close and glanced right, seeing the closet. Curious, he marched over and opened it, but nothing was in here but janitorial equipment. "Must've been a draft." He closed it and moved on.

In reality, Sucy Manbavaran was in the closet, having drunk a Complete Invisibility potion. Her friends on the other hand were shrunken inside her cloak pocket. "This feels so weird!" Akko whispered. "Like, we know Sucy's carrying us, yet it feels like we're just floating for no reason!"

"And I could totally squash you all for no reason." Sucy remarked. She held up a map and cast a spell to shrink it, slipping it in her pocket. "Here you go."

"Good, she was able to get a map from that bee." Diana said, using Lumos to provide a light in the dark pocket. "Let's see... Gruntilda should hopefully be up in her office, and the only way up there seems to be via the elevator. Otherwise, I assume she uses her broom. However, the Quickwarp, I surmise would be in the research laboratory."

"What if it's in her office?" Akko asked.

"Master Constanze says Quickwarps need a lot of energy to transport to other planets." Stanbot said. "The most energy would be transmitted to the laboratory."

"Hey, Bee Guy, we got a tooth to pick with you!" Hearing a valley girl's voice outside, Sucy peeked outside, seeing the Totally Spies (Sam, Clover, and Alex) approach Capital B. "Your library is like a total bore!" Clover said. "There isn't a single magazine!"

"What are you talking about, there are plenty of magazines!"

"Yeah, like anyone wants to read Bees Weekly."

"It's those spies again." Hannah said. "They weren't all that tough, but they also had a fourth one. And she was vicious."

"Hey guys, the potion wore off." Sucy whispered, the girls hearing her voice and looking up.

"I guess we'll have no choice but to fight." Diana said. "Listen, Constanze, Lotte, and Sucy will search for the Quickwarp and try to recover the Vibranium. Hannah, Barbara, Amanda, and Jasminka will fight those spies. I know it seems like overkill, but there's always a chance the fourth spy will show up. If you manage to beat them, quickly go to join Lotte's group; they'll most likely need help. And Akko, you and I will go to capture Gruntilda. I'll give everyone a map so no one gets lost. Geminio." Diana cast a spell to make the map split into copies. "Is everyone ready?"

"Yeah." Akko nodded seriously, the others sharing her determination.

"Good. Then... let the mission commence! ENGORGIO!"

"EHN!" Capital B screamed when the Nine Witches exploded out of the closet, casting spells in every direction to knock out the workers. "THEY'RE HERE!" B flapped his wings and flew into a door on a high walkway. "Kill them, you brats!"

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