Uncharted Territory

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Today, we'll see a world that didn't make it into World Rings.

Chapter 2: Uncharted Territory

Luna Nova; Team Akko's Room

"Mmmm...uuuhhn..." Vision finally returned to Akko's eyes. She could make out a blurry figure with a greenish, banana-colored top, which was revealed to be Diana with her usual, disapproving stare. "You really are a pain to deal with, you know?" she asked.

Akko realized she was on her bed, and their friends were all bundled in her room. Akko herself had several bruises and an ice bag on her head. "I guess Sheila really got me good..." She spoke through gaps in her teeth.

"You should consider yourself lucky. You could have gotten brain damage, or worse." Diana said furiously. "Honestly, it's like you don't even care if you live or die sometimes. Imagine how people would feel if you were gone. Your friends would be crying for months."

"Geez," Amanda remarked, painting Lotte's nails on the top bunk, "why don't you two just hook up and be gay already?"

"Please." Diana sighed. "The point is, Akko, you're incredibly reckless, and that's going to get you in trouble in more ways than one. The Supreme Leader heard about the fight from Earth's leader and deducted points from us for picking a fight without permission. So, once you're all healed, I expect you to clean the base from floor to ceiling."

"That's not faaaiiiir."

"Come on, Diana." Lotte smiled. "We may've lost points, but we did make some new friends." She bent over the side of the bunk and held her crystal ball down. "Just look."

After Sheila laid one last good punch against Akko, the battered witch finally fell in defeat. "Heh... blimey." Sheila panted in exhaust. "I was afraid... she'd never go down..." And she fell beside Akko, snoring away.

"That girl is something else, let me tell you." Diana said, standing up.

"She sure is." Aurora replied. "Congratulations, you passed the test."


"We said we would give you a test fight and you passed. So, now we'll schedule a serious fight with your sector."

"Oh, I appreciate the gesture, but that was just an impulse idea. I don't think we're ready."

"Oh, we make those all the time!" Aurora beamed. "We'll let you pick the time and date. Take all the time you need to get ready, but we hope to see you again in the future." She reached a hand.

"Hm... Thank you, Aurora." Diana shook her hand.

The crystal ball showed a picture of the two sectors interacting. Is this a sector alliance?! Are they another planet's top sector? Oh gosh, Haruka/Sucy, best of friends!! I love that red-haired witch! These were some of the comments.

"Yes... in spite of your reckless actions," Diana said, "we have gained some recognition. In fact, if I'm being honest... seeing you fight, Akko... it was like seeing a whole new side to you. It was... motivating."

"You just can't stay mad at her, can you, Diana?" Hannah replied.

"Do you remember what I told you, Akko?" Diana asked, facing upward. "I believed that you could change the world if you tried, and I still believe that. But we are one sector out of thousands on one of thousands of planets. We may never come close to the level of Sector V, but that does not mean we cannot set an example. As the pride of Luna Nova, it is my duty to be the greatest and give my peers something to strive for. So, with that in mind... I've decided on our next mission."

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