She Tried

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You know what else I love about Akko? She's good at pissing people off. ;D Get ready, because we're about to meet an important person in this chapter. You can tell by the rather simplistic and symbolic chapter title.

Chapter 3: She Tried

Sector LN

"Well, girls, first of all, I would like to congratulate you once again on your valiant expedition to Bobopolis." The Nine Witches were gathered before the main terminal as their Supreme Leader spoke to them. He was Numbuh 1,000 C, a gargoyle named Griffin Firecrystal. "It certainly makes up for the humiliation you endured against Sector V. (Not that I'm too upset about that!)" he whispered. "(It's about time someone told them what's what! That Chris kid stole, like, half my kills during the Viridi War!)"

"Is there anything else you wanted to speak to us about?" Diana asked.

"Yes, yes, ahem... Seeing as you've been on a good streak lately, I wanted to give you a new mission. One of our spies reported that Gruntilda was going to visit the capital of Disney Land later today. We don't know why or what she'll be doing, so I would like you girls to visit Disney Town and attempt to find out. As you may well know, Disney Town is considered a paradise for kidkind, so as Kids Next Door, it falls to us to protect such a paradise from anything Grunty might try to do. If she's up to anything criminal, do what you can to stop her, but don't do anything reckless."

"Understood, Numbuh 1,000 C." Diana replied. "We'll do our best." She ended transmission. "Sigh... okay, I know he just told us to go to Disney Land, but may I remind you girls we are on official business-" The minute she turned to them, all her teammates were dressed like Disney characters. "Can you at least wear your casual clothes, you look ridiculous!"

Barbara was wearing a Nick Wilde mask, but she frowned and took it off.

Disney Town

Disney Land was a country that spanned over numerous smaller kingdoms, ones that had existed for centuries, from Corona, the Dwarf Woodlands, Atlantica, and many more, and those kingdoms had not seen a day of war ever since. In the center of it all was Disney Town, one of the largest amusement parks in the known universe.

"OH BOOOOYYYY!" Atsuko screamed, her face shining as she danced on the central street. "We're actually in Disney Land! This is such a nice break after all that insanity yesterday!"

"Keep your voice down, Akko." Diana told her. "If Grunty or her cronies are here, she'll be trying to stay out of sight from operatives. We may not have been famous for long, but we can't take the chance. Split up and try to blend in with the crowds, and if any of you see Grunty, call us."

"You heard her, girls, search each and every one of these rides until we find her!" With that, Akko ran off with Lotte.

"Sigh... Hannah, Barbara, you're with me."

Sucy and Constanze went to visit the River of Love. The guard gave them a weird look before Sucy confirmed, "We're lesbians." The guard shrugged and let them on.

The boat ahead had an older couple about 18 years old, staring romantically as cupid fairies were dancing in a garden of hearts. Laser gunshots fired and blew the fairies' heads off. "AAAAHH!" the couple screamed and fainted.

Constanze lowered her smoking gun. "I could've sworn those things were venom-oozing monsters." Sucy said.

"Hmph." replied Constanze.

Team Diana had gone to watch an outdoor play, which was being performed by child actors who paid to go up. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Let down your hair!"

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