That Ever Slight Smile

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Now the Ni no Kuni II characters start rolling in!

Chapter 5: That Ever Slight Smile

Sector LN

"Metamorphie Faciesse!" Akko shouted, eyes shut tight. "Huuuurrrr!"

"I can't believe you're actually trying wandless magic." Amanda remarked, waving her own wand as chips floated in circles above Jasminka's head. The Russian witch remained still and refused to eat them.

"Sigh... I can't either." Akko rubbed her forehead. "How can anyone learn wandless magic, it's impossible."

"It's not really." Lotte corrected. "You see, Akko, mages like us have each found a wand that chose us as its master. When a wizard finds a suitable wand, they will be able to use any other wand they come across. But you'll find that some wizards just aren't able to find a good wand, and so they're left with no other option but to use their bodies to harness magic. To name an example, the dark wizard Voldemort was able to fly without a broom."

"Our magic is a composition of numerous natural chis mixed into our bodies." Diana continued. "Because of its disorganized nature, it's very difficult for us to control it with our bodies. That's why we use wands to begin with. Even I haven't reached that level."

"Then let's have a race!" Akko fist-bumped. "Diana, let's head outside and train as hard as we can! The first person to perform a wandless spell has to order the other person to do something embarrassing! You on, Diana?"

"...Hm." Diana smirked, brushing her hair back. "Well, I'm not about to let you upstage me."

"Say, where did Hannah and Barb run off to, anyway?" Sucy asked, tending to her mushrooms.

"Barb texted me and said they went for a walk in the Forest of Niall." Lotte answered. "They'll be back soon."

Forest of Niall

Niall was a beautiful forest that was home to aquatic creatures that floated about in the air, from yellow jellyfish that looked like ghostly lanterns, blue anchovies that looked like bundles of fairies, and pink snails that left trails on trees with their glowing slime. These creatures would only appear from twilight until dawn.

Barbara Parker had donned a glowing yellow dress with frills, posing in front of the jellyfish as though she were one of them. "So, Hannah, how do I look?"

"Positively amazing!" Hannah beamed, saving the memory into her camera. She was wearing a red top with a rose collar and a pink flower skirt. "You were right, Barbara, I'm getting so much inspiration from this place, I can't bear it! Just imagine, shock-proof jelly dresses, a slime-secreting cloak for Sucy, and Lotte looks great in anything that glows! Say, what do you think Diana would..."

Hannah stopped herself, the hurt rising back in her heart. Barbara's expression told her that she felt the same. "How about we just enjoy our walk for now?" the dark-haired asked.

"Yes..." Putting their feelings aside, the two resumed their walk through the forest.

Gigantic branches stretched and curved around parts of the forest, serving as natural pathways for the girls to explore. "You know something, Hannah?" Barbara asked, smiling as she was collecting flowers. "Since we're Kids Next Door operatives, that means we can practically go anywhere in the universe! And I've always wanted to go to the Steam Gardens on Planet Flora!"

"Steam Gardens?"

"They're gigantic greenhouses built for preserving and caring for plant life. It isn't just Flora, but other planets have them, too. And hey, didn't you say you wanted to visit Planet Yarn?"

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