If We Were Different

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Well, I was in a negative mood lately. So, let's make this chapter Negative! Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

Chapter 4: If We Were Different

Luna Nova Sports Field

"INCENDIO!" Akko cast the spell directly skyward, unleashing a great flame—but it quickly divided into firecrackers and smoke.

"No, Akko, you gotta get angrier!" Amanda shouted. "Like this: INCENDIO!" She cast the spell skyward, unleashing a column of fire that rivaled the New Moon Tower.

"I'm as ANGRY as I can GET! I'm not a Solaran, thank you for asking; any more angry and my HEAD will melt!"

"Besides, anger will not help you perfect the spell." Diana said, coming up to them. "You move your wand in the air in the shape of a candle, like this." She demonstrated.

"But I never see you or Amanda doing that!"

"When our wands become adapted to the spell, they can cast it without the proper movements, but this is how we help them adapt until then."

"Okay." Akko drew the image in the air. "Incendio." More firecrackers came out.

"You have to say the spell while drawing it."

"Ugh! Incendi—darn it! Incen—d'oh!" She kept messing up the drawing. "Incendio! Errrgh!"

"Akko, perhaps that's enough practicing with the Fire Spell." Diana told her, putting out a small candle in her hair. "Let's try the Ventus Spell. All that is is a swirl."

"Or I can do like Wendy does!" Akko smirked. "Ventus Incendio!" She swirled the wand around, her friends ducking as a flaming shockwave exploded out of the wand.

"Watch yourself, Miss Kagari!" yelled Professor Nelson.


It was currently free time in gymnastics class, so many students were outside, either racing around the track, practicing magic, or doing other things. Professors Finnelan and Ursula watched Akko's efforts from a second-floor window of the school. "It's nice to see Akko finally accepting Diana's help." Ursula said.

"No doubt she could've used it a long time ago." Finnelan replied, arms folded. "It doesn't seem like you've been training her as much lately."

"Well, since Akko's joined the KND, we haven't had much time. Besides, it's much more fun to train with friends. There's a lot you can teach each other."

"Huff...huff...huff..." Akko began panting after a few more tries.

"Your magic energy's nearly depleted." Diana said. "Perhaps it's time for a break."

"No, just let me drink one of Sucy's potions! I need to get in as much training as possible!"

"Why, so you'll be ready when Mickey's Vengeance Army comes to tear this school down?" Amanda remarked, deciding to get on her broom and do some pull-ups. "Why do you need to know all these combat spells when you have the Shiny Rod, anyway?"

"Because the Shiny Rod takes up too much of my energy. Besides, it was useless against Sheila, what if I encounter other lightbender enemies? Heck, at that rate, I need to practice some darkness spells, too!"

"Well, even if you do," Lotte replied, "you'll always have us to back you up."

"I don't wanna have to rely on you guys all the time. You're so ahead of me, and I'm tired of falling behind. I'm never going to inspire people if I can't do the simplest magic!"

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