Signs when Studying

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♒️ Aquarius: ♒️
"See the pythagorean theorem clearly doesn't make sense because...."

♓️ Pisces: ♓️
"Can you just shut up now Aquarius?"

♈️ Aries: ♈️

♉️ Taurus: ♉️
-on the phone- "Yes, we want five more dozen large pizzas! Also, how long are you open until cause we're definitely gonna need more pizza..." -ends up eating all of the pizza-

♊️ Gemini: ♊️
"Oh my god! How do you guys still not understand this? Calculus is like the easiest subject ever!" -ends up failing class-

♋️ Cancer: ♋️
"I. Am. Going. To. DIEEEEE!!! How do they expect us to remember so much MATHHHHH?!?"

♌️ Leo: ♌️
"I have like 200 followers on twitter! I'm too famous to be taking this stupid test! I need to tweet about the torture I'm going through! Only my twitter fam actually cares about me these days!"

Tweet: 'Oh my god, late night studying is THE worst, so thankful for retakes! #latenightstudying #friends #test #torture #imgonnafailthisclass #imsofamous #ineedtofixmyhair #calculus #highschoolproblems #lifeishard

♍️ Virgo: ♍️
"Nobody cares about your stupid twitter followers okay Leo! Just shut up and work or I will kick you out of my house!"

♎️ Libra: ♎️
"We should totally do karaoke after we're done!" -starts singing until Virgo wraps a whole roll of tape around his mouth-

♏️ Scorpio: ♏️
-smacking head on wall- "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???"

♐️ Sagittarius: ♐️
-brings out lighter and starts burning paper- "I'm sorry if I burn your house down Virgo!"

♑️ Capricorn: ♑️
-runs in holding fire extinguisher- "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND SAGITTARIUS?!?"

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