Favorite Holiday

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♒️ Aquarius: ♒️
Everyone knows you love Halloween. Nah, you're too "old" to care about the candy. Instead, no matter what the age or size, you plan the creepiest jump scares. From dressing up as a clown next to your house and sneaking up behind people to chasing people with chainsaws, you've got the haunted charm.

♓️ Pisces: ♓️
Tis' the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la! It's not just Christmas, oh no. Every holiday in the month of December floats your boat just as well as the rest. You love family time, having fun, and just taking in the moment. You celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, everything. People call you crazy, but you just think it's getting into the spirit.

♈️ Aries: ♈️
You literally spend New Year's Eve partying until daybreak of the new year. You are all about partying and you really know how to start a new year of with a bang. You love going to the bar with some friends and having the time of your life as the year wraps up.

♉️ Taurus: ♉️
You look forward to Thanksgiving every year. Your mouth waters just thinking about the marvelous feast. Though you know that the mashed potatoes you bring to the family dinner aren't the most delicious, that doesn't keep you from devouring everything else on the table and leaving practically nothing for anyone else.

♊️ Gemini: ♊️
It's not surprising, you love Chinese New Year's. It doesn't even freaking matter if you are Chinese or not, you will literally find any excuse to get money from your relatives. You joke about how you make more money on Chinese New Year's than a month long worth of your salary. It's true though, so it's not funny anymore.

♋️ Cancer: ♋️
You have your tree up by Thanksgiving. Your favorite part of Christmas: decorating the tree. You go out and buy a beautiful, REAL, Christmas tree and decorate it like your life depends on it. You have the most beautiful tree in town, everyone envies your skills.

♌️ Leo: ♌️
You absolutely L O V E Christmas, and not because of the holiday songs or the cheer and whatnot. You will wake up every holiday morning, no matter your age, and bombard the presents under the tree. You love giving gifts, but you like receiving them even more. The more presents, the merrier right?

♍️ Virgo: ♍️
It's your birthday. No, you're not self absorbed, you just love having a day to feel special. It makes you feel so happy when people give you gifts and people wish you to have a great day. You love throwing a party, and baking your own cake. Overall, the experience of the day of your birth is what you look forward to eagerly year after year.

♎️ Libra: ♎️
Easter, duh! You love everything about it. Obviously, you're that weird person on the street that dresses up as the Easter bunny and goes around scaring innocent children. You make up for it by holding the best Easter egg hunt ever. You even mold your own chocolate bunnies, though before you can hand any out, you eat all of them. That's irrelevant though. You know what isn't irrelevant? The number of Peeps you eat. The number is in the 1000's, it's kind of troubling.

♏️ Scorpio: ♏️
Halloween, the day of spooky decorations and costumes galore. You have the creepiest looking house every year, the ghosts, the monsters, the cobwebs, everything. You don't care about your age, you put on the coolest looking costume ever and go around town. What? You can never be too old for free chocolate right?

♐️ Sagittarius: ♐️
Um, New Year's, duh! I mean you make resolutions on New Year's Eve, but you end up breaking them a couple of seconds into the new year. Hmm, that doesn't matter though. You love breaking loose and getting out of control, though I warn you, you're hangover isn't going to be pretty.

♑️ Capricorn: ♑️
You're all about being grateful for what you have. You make the most amazing food, which is why Thanksgiving dinner is always at your place. You love the whole idea of being thankful, but as soon as the clock strikes 12, you've already gotten your gear on to get some serious Black Friday shopping done.

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