Do you pay me to write here?

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I've been trying my damnedest to not blow up every time I read your demands.

As though you guys are paying me to write for you. To post updates. As though you supply my internet usage. 

@janesometimeswrites is it? How about @janeneverwrites? Will that sound better? (oh yes, I read notifications, your comments and insults to me, thank you very much. really appreciate it)

And just so we're clear, this isn't some lazy me talking here. It's not like this is an ongoing fanfic that I sometimes get the inspiration to write and update here. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN US is a two book story that's been completed LAST YEAR. It's all posted on Instagram. It isn't my fault that you can't find the patience to read it in there. 

The only reason I came here on wattpad with it is because I feel like I owe it to my loyal readers. Which brings me back to: updates. My LOYAL READERS have already completed reading the entire two parts book along with the deleted scenes and bonus parts - because they followed me on instagram, waited for the updates patiently, interacted with me and other fellow readers, and have been very good to me. 

This is just for when they want to read up on it again - which some of them do. So RE-READING the entire thing can be a little easier. Yep, you read that right. This Wattpad account is for RE-READING ONLY.

So frankly, I don't feel very pressured with updating here. We all started on instagram. That account is still up. I haven't gotten around to taking it down completely because they asked me not to. The closest I got to was deactivating the IG accounts corresponding to my works for 3 months. And I wasn't lying with the crappy internet connection. I've downloaded, uninstalled, and re-installed wattpad on my phone time and again to no avail. My instagram still works faster than wattpad any day. It keeps loading and loading and failing on me that it frustrates the hell out of me to update any more. 

Here's the deal, if you find it frustrating to wait for my updates, unfollow me, stop reading my stories. Isn't that real simple?

For those who get where I am coming from and wants to keep on with this, then my Instagram is still very much working as far as I know. Otherwise, then you better find it in you to be real patient here, unless of course you'd like to volunteer and upload the missing chapters here yourself?

Book Two - It Should Have Been UsWhere stories live. Discover now