Ethan's POV: She slowly falls asleep in my arms. I would never normally cuddle up with the girl i just fucked. But yet again, she's different.
And it's easy to say that was the best sex i've ever had in my 16 years of my life. (i know the twins are 18 now but just pretend they're 16 for the story)
I thought she would've been sweet and innocent, but no. She's the complete opposite. Feisty and dirty. You know people say 'feisty ones are better in bed', well i can now say that's true.
I admire Camila as she's asleep in my arms. My arms wrap around her bare body as she's cuddled up into my chest.
Her glowing face, her cute button nose, her long eyelashes that overlap her eyelids, her plump, pink, swollen lips everything about her is
Wait. What am i saying? I don't like her.
End of POV:
I wake up in Ethan's arms, quiet snores escape his mouth, i smile to my self as i'm reminded of the events that happened last night.
Was it good? Fuck yes. Do i regret it? I'm not quite sure. Was it worth it? Hell yeah.
I try to get out of Ethan's embrace as i push him away slightly. His grip tightens which makes it more difficult for me to get out.
Eventually i give up, its impossible to get out of his muscular arms. I lean over to my phone which was in my jean pocket, he threw my jeans next to the bed last night. I pressed the home button,
Oh shit. We're gonna be late for school!
I turn over to Ethan and see he's already awake. Looking at me, smiling. "We're gonna be late to school" i say as i stand up from Ethan's warm bed. I look at Ethan and see him licking his lips staring at my body. I look down to see i'm completely naked.
I gasp and cover my self up with his bed covers. He laughs with his deep husky voice.
That was so hot.
"Don't worry baby girl. I've seen you naked before." he winks as he rolls around in bed for a bit. "That's different Ethan!" i whisper shout. "mhhm not really." he says as he sits up.
I chuck the jeans i had on yesterday. I pick up the top and notice it was ripped down the middle. I held it up in front of Ethan and he laughed. "wow you were eager to get my top off weren't you." i say. "Worth the wrip though." he winked and looked at my chest, i have my bra on but damn. A typical boy teenager.
I roll my eyes and giggle. "Here have one of my sweaters." he says as he pulls out a army green sweater.
I caught it and said thanks. I put my head through the hole and i slipped it down my waist. It was baggy and oversized. But i was too comfortable to even care.
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"You look cute in my jumper." Ethan says as he walks out his bathroom in black jeans and a light pink sweat shirt. I blushed a little but hid my face with the hood of his jumper.
I felt a large hands grip my waist and the other hand grabbed my hand and pulled it down from my face.
"Don't hide from me. Your cute when you blush." Ethan smiles as he stares into my eyes. My breath hitches as he leans in and cups my face. Our faces were centimetres apart and i swear he could hear my heartbeat beat out of my chest the more he got closer.
"ETHAN! WE'RE GONNA BE LAT-" Grayson comes running in the room, me and Ethan depart and my heart beat goes back to a normal pace almost straight away.
"Late." Grayson finishes what he was going to say and smirks at us both, earning a chuckle from Ethan and I.
"You ready?" he says. I nod and we run down stairs.
Thanks for reading!! Make sure to leave me a comment on what you think about this story. It's getting there ;) Peace