"YOU TWO HOOKED UP AGAIN?!" Lauren shouts, making it echo throughout my house. I leap on her, pushing my hand down onto her mouth so she couldn't say anything else.
"Lauren! My moms down stairs!" I say through gritted teeth, i jokingly roll my eyes at her as i let go of her. A laugh escapes her mouth which made me smile. Her smile is so contagious.
"Anyway, how come you two have had sex so many times?!" she says. I didn't know what to say. "I mean, Camila. I've been to the school longer, and i've known him longer. He never fucks the same girl twice! How many times have you done it?" she wiggles her eyebrows. "Like, 3 times." I say looking down.
I don't know whether to be ashamed or not. So many people would love to be in my situation right now, but others might think i'm just a slut.
She picks up my chin, making me look into her eyes.
"Hey." she says quietly. "You shouldn't be ashamed. Your not a slut either Cam. It's Ethan Dolan for god sake!" she says which makes me crack a smile.
"There's my best friend." she say hugging me.
I shove a handful of popcorn in my mouth as a scary bit comes onto the TV. I spill all of the popcorn onto my lap as me and Lauren scream in fear.
I feel a vibration against my leg, making me instantly lift it up and check who it is.
10:34pm Ethan: What you doing baby girl? ;)
10:35pm Me: You horny little shit, i'm at my house, watching a horror movie with Lauren.
10:36pm Ethan: Uhhh, you could've had all of this baby girl. *photo*
He sends me a photo of him shirtless in the bathroom mirror, his metallic coloured basketball shorts, slightly pushed down showing off his sharp v-line.
His head is tilted to the side, revealing his defined jaw. His bumpy stomach and his buff shoulders.
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I feel a light tingling sensation in between my legs, what is this boy doing to me?
I shut my legs, trying not to make it obvious that Ethan just sent me a shirtless picture and it's making me horny. (what else am i meant to say? 😂)
"You allgood?" Lauren asks smirking at me, looking at me, down to my legs and looking at me again.
I look at my legs, they are tightly shut together. I feel my cheeks go warm, then i realise im going red.
"Show me your phone." she says sternly, holding out her palm. I slowly turn my phone to her face. Showing her the picture of shirtless Ethan Dolan. Her eyes widen, she looks back up to me and a devilish smirk appears on her face.
"What are you thinking Lauren?" i ask concerned but confused look on my face. She doesn't say anything, she goes to my drawer. She pulls out a black, laced, glittery lingerie. she holds in front of my face before throwing it at me.
I'm so confused.
"Put it on, take a photo, and send it to Ethan." she says crossing her arms. "Laur-" i start, "Now!" she says leaning to the side a bit. I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom. I put the lingerie on. I look my self in the mirror, i look kind of good.
Ethan's gonna enjoy this.
I walk out, flipping my hair. I'm so confident in front of Lauren. It's crazy.
"Yes girl" she says hyping me up. "Okay hurry up, i'll take the photo of you, sit on the bed." she says taking my phone. She swiped to the camera and started to take photos of me.
I get in a perfect position, she takes the photo. She takes a glance at it. "THATS THE ONE!" she shouts in excitement.
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Ethan: Fuck Camila Ethan: Hold on, one sec.
Lauren looked over my shoulder as we both intensely watched Ethan's text messages. "Oh my-" "God." i finish off her sentence.
"he's probably wanking off to your photo Cam." she whispers in my ear making us both burst out in laughter.
Thanks for reading. Sorry if there's any spelling errors in any of my paragraphs. I just don't have time to look through them. Schools kicking my a$$ right now. Peace