The music fills the quiet car as Ethan drives us to... well, i actually don't know where we are going.
Ethan's large hand has been rested on my thigh the whole ride, whenever he looks at me, he squeezes my thigh tightly. Reminding me he's here for me. Or he's comforting me. Or that it's okay.
He can tell i don't feel my self He can tell i'm sad. He can tell i'm confused. About everything. Ethan understands me.
"We're here!" Ethan says as he stops the car engine and claps his hands together in excitement, seeing him happy makes me smile.
I look around and see a load of rides, the huge ferris wheel, with bright colourful lights hanging from it. Peoples happy cheers and screams are heard from every direction of the fair.
"Oh my god Ethan. Thank you for taking me here!" i say jumping up and down before leaping into Ethan's arms.
He chuckles as we let go. We both run, hand in hand, into the fair. Past the gates and into where all the different rides were.
"What do you want to do first?" Ethan asks me as i take a good look around. My eyes widen as i see a really high roller coaster.
It's tall and has a huge drop on it. I turn back to Ethan and he has a huge smile on his face.
I grab his hand and we both run to the line. Luckily, there's no on there so we run through he metal bars until we reach the ride.
We hop onto the front row and buckle our selfs in. I look behind us and we're the only ones on.
Me and Ethan step off the ride, my legs feel like jelly because of how scary and fast that was. I hear Ethan laughing at my messy hair, the wind was crazy up there. "Shut up." i say and hit his chest. I smile at him and he smiles back at me.
I like this. This feels right.
"Let's go on the swings!" I shout as i carry to eat my blue candy floss. "You are literally a kid Cam." Ethan laughs. "Candy floss is everything!" I say which makes the both of us laugh.
Ethan's POV:
The more and more i hang out with Camila. The more close we become. Well at least that's what i think.
She's really fun to hang out with.
We spin around on the swings, she's on the swing in front of me, i hear her giggles which makes me smile. Her long brown curly hair sways in the breeze as we spin round and round.
Her huge, contagious smile shines bright with the bright lights. She's beautiful.
I take my phone out of my pocket and swipe to camera. "Camila, look back." i shout. She looks back and smiles. "Risky move E. Don't drop it." She says and turns back around. "It's worth it. Your beautiful." I shout again.
I hear her giggle and i see her cheeks go a shade of pink. I take a quick photo of her from behind.
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(i know that obviously doesn't look like Camila in the story, i'm just using it)
We jump on the ferris wheel cart. (i have no clue what them things are called)
She laughs as we go higher and higher slowly.
"Have you enjoyed your self?" i ask, hoping for a positive answer from her.
"Yeah, you've really got my mind off of everything. Thank you Ethan." She says and moves closer to me.
We stare at each other for a while, her big brown shiny eyes lock with mine. My lips start to curve into a smile at how cute she is.
She giggles a little before i look down at her lips, she moves her head closer to mine and pushes our lips together.
Butterflies run through my stomach and my body starts to feel warm, it's like fireworks burst throughout my body.
She pulls away and looks at me, i smile widely. "What?" she says and giggles. "Your just so cute." I say.
It's the truth. She's so adorable.
Camila's POV:
I attach my lips to his, he kisses me back almost instantly.
Our plump lips against each other's is one of the best feelings ever. My stomach swarms with butterflies as i smile into the kiss. I pull away and he cheekily grins. "What?" I say and let out a small giggle at his cuteness. "Your just so cute." He blurts out. I feel my cheeks turn red and i cover my face up with my hands in embarrassment.