"Can we have a room for three nights please?" Ethan asks the sweet old lady at the desk. "Yes, that will be $74 and here's your card to get in and out." The lady hands Ethan a small card and i see him reach for his pocket, i quickly out a 20 dollar bill on the table and the lady looks at me and smiles.
Ethan quickly swipes the 20 dollar bill that i put down and replaced it with his own, the lady takes his and i whine. "Nooo." I whine and the lady laughs. "Just repay me tonight." Ethan whispers in my ear.
Me and Ethan walk off, heading towards the elevator. I see Lauren and Grayson pay for their room and the doors shut before they get to use the same one as us.
I saw Ethan smirk and Grayson and he chuckled at Ethan.
Lauren winked at me before she wasn't in sight, the doors completely shut.
Before i knew it, i heard a *ping* and the doors opened, leading to a long hall way. Ethan grabbed my hand and pulled me towards our room, 12.
He slid the card down the door and pushed the door open, revealing our cute hotel room for the night:
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smut smut smut coming up hoes
"woah" I mumble as i admire the cute room, i walk up to the bed but feel my self being pushed on it. I fall on my stomach, i giggle and turn around to see Ethan crawling up towards me, i sit up a little bit, watching him crawl close and close to me.
He pulls my legs down so he's hovering over me, he roughly crashes his lips onto mine, i smile into the kiss as i kiss back.
Without warning he slips his tongue in my mouth, he gently nibbles my bottom lip, making me moan into the kiss.
this boy and his teasing.
He explores my body with his hands before pulling my shirt off over my head, he looks down at my Lounge matching under wear set.
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He licked his lips and looked at my eyes, he kissed my lips once before kissing my jaw, to my neck, he softly sucked all of my soft spots, leaving hickeys.
"Marked you as mine..." He whispered in my ear. "...only for this holiday, cause it seems every man wants you." He kisses under neath my ear.
I moan at his touch. He giggles, "we haven't even started yet baby girl."
He starts to kiss down my stomach, reaching my heat. He teases me by slowly pulling my under wear down my legs, i kick it off once it reaches my ankles.
He puts his hand behind my back, i arch it and he unclips my bra with one hand.
He gets off of me, i whimper at the loss and contact and he giggles. He rolls a magnum condom on his length before getting on top of me.
He looks up to me, i lick my lips and tug at his hair, he groans and pushes in my entrance.
"Ethan!" I scream, i haven't had sex with Ethan in a while, he's HUGE.
He quickly covers his hand over my mouth, i smile and he giggles.
"Shhh." He laughs. I just nod and he slowly thrust in and out of me. Small grunts escape his mouth as i wrap my legs around his torso.
"E, f-faster." I moan, he obeys and picks up the speed, he hits my g-spot over and over again, i start to moan as i grip his hair in my hands, he groans and he starts pounding into me,
"Camila, baby, fuck." He moans as i feel him twitch, he doesn't come as expected though.
He goes deeper inside of me, i scream but he presses his lips on mine, stopping me from moaning.
I moan through the kiss so he slips his tongue in, completely stopping me from moaning.
He departs our lips from each other, I become a moaning mess as i feel my self slowly hitting my climax.
i felt Ethan twitch inside of me and i feel the condom go warm, "C-Camila, baby girl ride me." He moans, i flip is over and start to ride him.
I hit every good spot, he glides his hands up my waist as he throws his head back in pleasure.
A knot forms in my stomach as my legs start to tremble, Ethan's member twitches for the second time and i moan loudly before we come at the same time.
I drop next to him and try to catch my breath. "That was amazing." He huffed. "Agreed." I reply.
Ethan snuggles into my chest as we burry our selves into the comfortable hotel bed covers.
Ethan wraps his arms around my curves waist, his touch instantly warms my skin up.
Ethan's POV:
I look into Camila's big, brown eyes, they are sparkling from a few lights out the hotel window.
It's like i'm getting lost in them, i look down at her lips for a while and look back up to her eyes, slowly.
Noticing they are already closed, i hear a soft snore escape her mouth; i kiss her forehead and wrap her in my arms.
I'm falling for this girl more and more, every day.