"YOU SAID YES!" I shout over the phone. "Yesss!" Lauren squealed as well. "See, i just knew he liked you. He wouldn't have asked you other wise." I said in a 'duhh' tone. "Well, that means Ethan likes you as well? I'm not the only one that got asked to go." She says, i can tell she's smirking from the other side of the phone.
Ethan doesn't like me. Does he? I don't know. I'll just play it cool this weekend. Go with the flow.
I look through my walk in closet. "Navy blue, navy blue." I tap on my chin and bite my lip as i have a good look through for a navy blue dress or something.
It's only better if we match, right?
I soon pick out a skirt and a crop top— navy blue.
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This is really cute. I love it He'll love it?
The night of the party:
"Ethan i'm nervous." I said as i clung onto his arm. I walk through his house, the music loudly playing.
I see many bodies dancing in the garden, mainly children. Adults are standing up and talking with champagne glasses in their hands.
I took a deep breath and looked behind me, Lauren and Grayson walked behind us, hand in hand, she looks so happy.
I turn back to Ethan. He's already looking at me.
"What?" I giggle. "you look so beautiful tonight." He winks. "Thanks, not so bad your self." I say, looking at his tuxedo and laughing.
We reach his garden, he has a big pool, trees everywhere, with blossom handing down low. His garden is huge.
"woah" I say and keep looking at everyone. "Hey, there's my mom." Ethan says and points to a lady standing in the distance, looking at us and smiling.
I feel my self blush and i look back up at Ethan.
He moves his head towards her, asking me if i wanna go meet her, i stat to get nervous as we walk towards her.
"Hello sweetie." She says and gives me a sweet smile. "Nice to meet you Miss. Dolan." I smile and hold onto Ethan's hand tighter, indicating i'm nervous.
He gives it a squeeze back and rubs my lower back.
"Here sit down honey." Ethan's mom pats the chair. I sit down. "This is really pretty." I say and look around her garden. "Well thank you." she giggles. "So," She says putting her hand on my leg.
"You and Ethan?" She wiggles her eyebrows. I giggle a little, "just friends Miss. Dolan." i smile. "Please dear, call me Lisa." she sends me a smile.
"This is Cameron. My sister." Ethan points at her, she's really pretty.
"Hey, i think i've seen you before. When me and Ethan were studying?" i almost says as a question. I smile, "Oh yeah, Camila right?" She smiles back. "Yes." I giggle and we give each other a quick hug and pull away. "and this is my dad, Sean." Ethan says. "Nice to meet you sir". I say and he gives me a hug. "You too Camila." He smiles.
"You are very pretty." This young boy taps on my leg. I look down and stare at him in awe.
"Thank you. And you are very handsome." I say and pat his white polar shirt.
He giggles and he runs off. "That's Christian." Ethan laughs. "He's so cute." I say in awe. "and. This is Riley." He laughs as he picks this little girl up.
"I like your outfit." She says. "She looks pretty doesn't she?" Ethan says, i feel my self blush. "I like your dress." i say and touch her frilly dress.
She laughs and jumps out of Ethan's arms
Ethan's POV:
My breath was taken away by Camila. She is so beautiful. My tuxedo and her dress matched perfectly. She's met pretty much all of my family, they all tell me that they love her already.
"Ethan, son." My dad pats my shoulder. "Yeah dad." I say. "Camila?" He asks winking at me. "Friends dad, friends." I sigh.
He laughs a little bit. "She's got you whipped E, right?" He asks me. I just nod my head and smile.
"Well, protect her." He smiled. I tilted my head in confusion. "She's the girl you'd want to keep. Beautiful, polite, i'm pretty sure everyone here likes her. Cameron and mom are none stop blabbing on about her." He giggles. "Just protect her. She's a keeper." He pats my shoulder and points out into the distance, before walking off.
I look to where he was pointing to and see Camila, dancing with Christian and Riley, one in each arm.
They are all laughing together, she looks at me and mouths something 'i love them' She smiles widely and spins them around and sways her hips with the slow music.
'Stay with me - Sam Smith'
Aweee, i'm soft writing this. Thanks for reading Hope you enjoyed. Peace