__Now I'm giggling and thinking of how each of the Avengers would deal with some creeper in a bar bothering a woman. 

Steve would get right up in the dude's face, at first trying to take the nice "Leave the lady alone," route, but having NO problem getting physical if the guy doesn't back off. 

Bruce would calmly approach and invite her to come sit with him and the others until the creeper left. 

Natasha wouldn't even say anything. She would just walk up, slam the guy's head down onto the bar once, and stare him down until he left. 

Tony would stand right in the middle of the two and start talking the guy to death so the girl could make her mistake. 

Thor would pontificate about honor until the dude gives up. 

Clint would start aggressively hitting on the guy. When the guy freaked out, he would shout "SEEN HOW THAT FEELS?" At him. 

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