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__There's one thing I'm sad about in Civil War. 

When Steve says, "Suit up,' and they immediately cut to the team dressed and running. But you CANNOT tell me that funny things didn't happen while they're all changing in a parking garage. 

First, we all know it has to take like, 30-40 minutes to get those fancy suits on. 

Steve trying really hard not to look at Wanda and Sharon while they change, but Wanda and Sharon not caring. 

Steve actually just decides to change inside the van. 

Sam asking for help with one of his hard-to-reach straps and Bucky just being like, "What? You can't even dress yourself?" 

Scott just staring at how buff Bucky is/ trying to peek into the can to see Steve's muscles in the flesh- literally. 

Bucky is halfway done getting his gear on when he suddenly says, "Wait. Where did you guys get this suit from? Who made it? When was it made? How do you know what size I needed? I'm waaaaay more buff." 

A/N: Steve deciding to change in the van yes

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