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__no but the reason Bucky left Steve at the edge of the water was because he had to collect himself and not start shouting at Steve for being A COLOSSAL FUCKUP STEVE I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU, YOU PUNK YOU DROPPED YOUR SHEILD?!?!?!?! YOU DROPPED YOUR SHEILD?!?!?! THE ONE TIME YOU BACK DOWN FROM A FIGHT AND YOU... END OF THE LINE fucking bullshit... I need to take a walk. 

___YOU WERE BANKING ON THE FACT THAT I'D REMEMBER YOU, YOU IDIOT?!!?!?! I SWEAR TO GOD STEVE!!! I JUST- I CAN'T- this is why we can't have nice things

A/N: Updating during Algebra 2 class because I'm a piece of trash *Thumbs up*

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