Chapter Five

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Today was the day you, Sam, and Colby were going to go to Wyoming. You had found many abandoned places to go, and they were all relatively close to each other. You and Sam knew that Colby would love to go to the tallest building, so you were saving it for the last part of the trip. You were going to build up his excitement for the last one. You packed all your things the night before, so you went over to help Sam and Colby pack.
I'm so excited for this. This is going to be the best exploration trip yet.
You let yourself into their house like always, and headed straight to Colby's room. On the way there, you were stopped by Jake.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Hey Jake."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"Would you be my girlfriend?"
You walk up to him, grab his hands, look into his eyes, and kiss him.
"Does that answer your question?" You ask, still looking into his eyes.
"Uh, yeah," he laughs.
You let go and start walking upstairs, "I need to help Sam and Colby pack. See you later!"
You walk into Colby's room first, because you knew he was going to need a lot more help then Sam. You walk in and see him asleep on his suitcase and clothes.
"Colby!" You yell as you close the lid on his head.
"Hey! What do you think you are doing?!" He jerks up.
"I came to help you pack, take a chill pill."
"Oh, ok. Thanks!"
You and he start to fold his clothes and put them into the suitcase. Sam walks in and says, "Hey Y/N, I thought you were gonna help me!"
"I'll help you after I help him!"
"Ok, I was kidding anyway."
"I know, I know."
After you, Sam, and Colby are done packing, you go downstairs to say goodbye to the roommates. You immediately go to Jake, Sam and Colby go to Corey, Devyn, and Aaron.
"Bye Jake, see you in a week." You peck his cheek.
"See ya girlfriend." He grins, happy he can finally call you that.
The other roommates are watching, not knowing you had agreed. You went to say goodbye to Corey, Devyn, and Aaron. As you say goodbye, you hear Sam and Colby whisper, "Congrats dude, you finally got her." You blush, but hid it in Aaron's shoulder since you were hugging him. You all walk out of the house, and get into your car to drive to the airport.
"This trip is going to be great." Sam says, knowing what's in store.
"Why don't you guys tell me where we are going? Can I at least know what state, since we are flying there today?" Colby says, clearly upset you hadn't told him yet.
You and Sam look at each other, and nod.
"Fine Colby, we are going to.... Wyoming!" You say, pausing as much as possible.
"Yay fun!" Colby says.
Sam and Colby immediately fell asleep in the car, so you turn on some music to pass the time.
*an hour later*
"Sam, Colby, wake up! We're here!" You yell, getting out of the car.
"Huh what?" Sam jerks his head up.
"Are we already in Wyoming?" Colby asks tiredly.
"No. We're at the airport. Now, get up! We're going to miss our flight!" You say, pulling them out of the car.

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