Chapter Two

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"Oohhhh this place looks cool! And it's tall!" You say, pointing at a picture on Sam's laptop.
"Yeah it does! Let's find more around it and make a fun little trip out of it! We'll have many videos prepared!" Sam says, finding the location of the building.
"It's in Wyoming! I've never been to Wyoming!" You say, as Sam found the location.
"We have to go! That will be so fun!"
*2 hours later*
Colby walks tiredly into the room, his hair a mess, shirtless.
"Colby, we woke you up 2 hours ago!" Sam says with surprise.
"Yeah, I fell back asleep."
"Well, we found some amazing abandoned places, and we're going to them, whether you like it or not, like I promised."  You say with as much sarcasm as you have.
"Oohh let me see!" Colby says, reaching for Sam's laptop.
"No, it's gonna be a surprise!" You exclaim, slapping his hand.
"But Y/NNNNNN," he drags out your name, whining like a little kid.
"But Colbyyyyyyy," you mimic him, laughing.
"I'm hungry, anyone else?" Sam asks, rubbing his stomach.
"I could eat." You say, you and Sam looking at Colby.
"You ask like that's even a question." Colby scoffs, walking out of Sam's room to get changed.
After Colby got dressed, you all walk down the stairs, and head to Colby's car. He starts driving, then asks,
"Where are we even going?"
"Well, Sam and I want lunch, so let's go to McDonald's. Although you probably should eat breakfast first." You say, nudging Colby with your fist since you are in the back seat. After you guys get your food, you head back to the house, all silent since you were so hungry. You finish first, so you decide to bring up the house.
"Ya know, I spend basically all my time with you guys at the house mostly, it's like I live there."
"If this is your "subtle" attempt of saying you want to move in..." Sam trails of.
"There's plenty of space, and I could take Colby's room, he can stay with you, right Sam?" You laugh, stealing some of Colby's fries.
"You're evil, you know that, right?" Colby says, moving his fries where he thought you couldn't take them.
"Yeah, I know." You reach and grab more fries.
"You have your own fries stop eating mine!!"
"They're all gone!!"
"Who's fault is that."
"Mine, but now it's your problem because I'm going to eat all yours.
He pulls into the driveway, parks the car, and dramatically grabs his fries and storms out of the car. Sam is laughing so hard he fell out of the car, and continues laughing on the ground. You chase Colby, not intending to take anymore fries.
"Y/N stopppp." He whines, hugging his bag with his fries. Sam runs up behind you, pinning your arms down, and tells Colby, "Run! I've got her, she can't get you now!"  Colby runs dramatically and stupidly into the house.
"Uh, how dare you! I was gonna eat all his fries!" You turn around to look at Sam. His face is almost as red as Colby's car from laughing so hard. You and Sam walk into the house together, pushing each other out of the way.
Man, I love them. I don't know what I would do without them.

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