Chapter Seven

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You wake up to the sound of footsteps running toward you.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Sam and Colby both yell, running towards you. They help you sit up, before asking, "Are you okay?" at the same time. You rub your head, trying to remember what happened. "Yeah, I'm fine. Can we get out of this room please?" You say, getting a terrible vibe from the room. They help you up, and walk you to where it's bright.
"What happened?" Colby asks, looking at your head.
"I don't know. I walked into that room, heard something move, then this."
"Maybe we should get out of here." Sam says, looking nervously at the room.
"Did we get enough footage?" You ask, looking them in the eyes.
"Are you kidding?" Sam says, "You could have just died, and you're worried about the video?!"
"Yeah, I mean, footage is footage."
"I guess we have enough from this building, we really need to go. There are other buildings here to explore too." Colby says, moving you out of the building.
"Guys, I'm fine. Really." You say since they were still walking you.
"You didn't see what you looked like. You did not look okay." Colby says, hesitating to let you go.
"I'm fine, seriously." You say as you push their hands off of your arms.
You guys walk to the car, them still standing very close to you. You all get in the car. Sam sets up the camera, and they start doing the outro, including a summary of what happened. You sit in the back quietly, since you didn't remember most of the building anyway. They finish the outro and end the recording.
"Next building?" You say, receiving a shocked expression from the both of them.
"I will get in that drivers seat and drive us to the next building if I have to."
They still both look at each other, wondering what to do. You move and act like you're getting out of the car when they say, "Stop! Fine, we'll go to the next one!"
Sam sets the location in his phone then starts driving. Meanwhile, you decide to take a little cat nap. You can hear Sam and Colby talking about you as you doze off to sleep.
"Pst, Y/N, wake up!" Colby whispers, nudging your leg.
You tiredly sit up, looking at them.
"We ready to go?" You get out of the car, not waiting for a response. Little did you know they already did the intro with you asleep in the back of the car.
You guys explore the building, no issues, and make it back to the car. They once again outro the video, but this time you participated and helped with it. Once the outro was finished, you all agreed to go back to the hotel and get some sleep, it had been a long day. You all arrive at the hotel, and you don't even wait to get into pajamas before getting straight into bed. You were very tired from your little "incident" earlier. You hear Sam and Colby talk about filming videos for their personal channels as you fall into a deep sleep.

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