Chapter 19

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'Why do you think he has a bandage on his hand? M heard one student ask his classmate.
'Rumors say he was involved in a fight?' came the reply.

M was wondering who they were talking about when he saw Kong. He called him but Kong just kept on walking.

'Kong!' He ran after him

'Oh M.'

Kong looked pale and lethargic. Is he sick? M worried about his friend.

'Our room is there.' he pointed to where Oak and the others are standing.

Kong blinked as if realizing his mistake. His head is still hazy from everything that has happened.

'Comfort room' he said, in his attempt to conceal his absentmindedness.
'It's on the other side of the building Kong.' M, who is now confused, informed him.
' Oh.'
' Are you alright?' M can't help but ask.
' Why wouldn't I be?' Kong smiled.

Yet M feels like Kong is hiding something.


'Man, what happened to your hand?' Prem prodded Arthit whose left hand was wrapped in a bandage.
'Nothing.' he denied.
'Are you alright?' Knot asked.

Arthit's attention is on Kai who is there again with Kong and his friends. Kong met his gaze then turned away. Arthit saw that Kong is not eating anything even if M was pushing food on his plate. Kong hastily stood up.

'Oi Kong! Don't leave me! Im still eating.' Kai called after him.

But Kong just continued walking

Arthit's friends just looked at each other.

' AiArthit, you  know that you look like a ghost right? Bright poked Arthit.
' Bright..'He growled.
Bright scampered away, who knows what Arthit might do to him.

Toota pushed a cold drink on Arthit's face

'Toota!' he yelled.
' I know it's a shitty Monday, but you are pushing it.' he chided Arthit.
'Talk to us Arthit.' Knot pleaded to their friend who looks like a shell of himself. Knot is starting to worry about him.

'Just not right now.'

Arthit left and tried to call Kong as he has been doing for the past days. But Kong never picked up.

Kong's phone rings again. He refuses to deal with PArthit right now. He still can't believe he accused him of those things. And don't get him started on his temper.

After class, Kong was walking with Kai when he saw Arthit in one of the benches near the Faculty of Economics building, Kong turned to the other direction in an attempt to escape from him.

'Kong,' Arthit breathlessly called as he ran for a few meters to hold Kong's arm in order to stop him from getting away.

Kong's gaze fell on Arthit's bandaged hand. A flicker of worry came over him. But he schooled his face for him to conceal any hint of concern, he's still pissed after all.

'Let me go.' Kong said.
'Let's talk, Kong.'

' Damn. I missed him calling my name but no.' Kong pulled his arm.

'Kongpob!  Arthit impatiently yelled. Kong is being stubborn now.
'I don't want to talk. Let me go.' Kong insisted

'So you will just keep on ignoring me?' he accused the younger guy.
'How does it feel then? To be ignored?' Kong coldly replied as he turned to look at him.

Arthit froze, recalling the times he did not answer Kong's messages. In multiple occasions, Kong will just ask him but would never demand why he didn't reply and still flirt with him when they meet.

'Kong...' he pulled him.

'Man, he already said to let go.' Kai butted in. The last thing these two need is to make a scene in the field.

'Leave us alone!' Arthit charged and yelled at Kai.

Kai held his hands up and took few steps back,  in a clear gesture that he is not about to fight Arthit.

Arthit, however, saw Kong's eyes widened when he yelled at Kai. Darn. this temper of his. Why is it so out of hand?

'You're still boiling.'

Kong turned and was about to start  walking when Arthit begun reciting,

' Kongpob, you know I can be stupid, I whine a lot, I have a bad temper, I'm a laid back kind of guy and I wake up really late. Can you still accept who I am? You answered that you can, Kong..'

Kong stopped in his tracks. He is shaking now thinking about the Rama Bridge, what they told each other months ago. His tears are falling on his cheek. The emotions are too raw, those memories are too pure. He wiped his tears and left.

Arthit bit his lips in an effort to stop his tears from falling. He doesn't know what came over him when he recited that. He told Kong about his temper and Kong said he accepts him. But why does Arthit feel like it wasn't right? That he went overboard even if Kong is aware of his tendencies? Why is it that he, himself, isn't comfortable with what he did? Arthit's brain is overloading and he felt like shouting.

He turned to look at Kai.

'What are you looking at?' he provoked the younger male.
'Are you and Kong together or are you with that girl? He asked directly.

Arthit was taken aback with his candidness.

'What girl?' Arthit's brows furrowed in confusion.
'The one you were dating in the field last Monday.'
'Yes. Kong and I saw you. You were laughing and she's close to you.' Kai informed him.

Arthit took a deep breath. Darn, he's in even more trouble than he realized.

'Why are you telling me this?' he confronted Kai.

'Because people have limits. And, who knows, there might be other people who can treasure the ones you throw away.' Kai answered and took off to the direction Kongpob went, leaving a clearly overwhelmed Arthit behind.

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