Chapter 46

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When they were away from everyone, Knot asked Arthit to stop.

'Hey Arthit can you turn back a little and please bloody explain to your  friends what is happening?' Knot demanded from his friend. His voice must be dripping with frustration as their other friends' eyes almost popped in suprise that he cursed.

' What do you want me to explain, Knot?' Arthit snarled at him.

His friends crossed their arms, clearly conveying that they are not buying Arthit's attempt to evade their questions.
'Why are you all looking at me like that?' Arthit asked, taking a step back from his friends who are staring him down.

'You should be looking on Kai.' Arthit added.
'Kai? He said Kong rejected him. What about you?' Toota prodded him
'Yeah PVolt was wooing you. You cant be that oblivous. Or do we have to spell it out to get it through that thick skull of yours - He likes you.' Prem said.
'I know.'
'You knew and you didn't say anything?' Toota asked.
'What?! '
'Why didn't you tell PVolt that you have a fann?' Bright asked.
' I was overwhelmed and no one ever confessed to me in such a way, I didn't know what to do.' Arthit explained.
'Do you like him?' Toota asked
'No! Im with Kongpob!' Arthit answered so fast they were afraid he failed to breathe.
'Why didnt you tell PVolt?' Toota prodded him
'I needed time to think! I was overwhelmed. You did not give me time to react- I needed time to process that!' Arthit claimed, his voice shaking.
' I think we understand you but...'Knot said.
'But what now?.' Arthit asked in frustration, why are they ganging up on me like this?

They pointed to Kongpob who was standing a few meters away. Did he hear them?

'How long has he been there?' Arthit asked.
'I think he followed after us.' Bright said.
'You go talk.' Knot ordered Arthit.

Arthit approached the younger man, whose shoulders are slumped, his usual smile, missing.
'Kong, about what happened earlier...' Arthit started but Kongpob cut him off,

'Did I not shower you enough with attention P? Didn't I chase you enough?' Kong's voice is full of accusation.

'Kong...' Suddenly Arthit is speechless.

'Did I not appreciate you enough for you to be overwhelmed like that? What else do you want me to do, P?How much attention did I fail to give you, P?' Kong's posture is stiff and he is biting on his lips in an attempt to control himself.

Arthit was stumped with what Kong asked him. On the other hand, Kong's lips are trembling as his control on his emotions is starting to slip away,  his eyes are getting misty as well

'Kong..' he moved to approach the younger man but Kong just held his palm up, Arthit halted his steps.

'You are precious, P. I've known that all this time, even on the first day I met you. But I think I'm not enough, P. Perhaps you are not meant to be appreciated by just one person.  Instead, you can be better appreciated by everyone who can now see how precious you are.' Kong said as an ache started deep in his stomach, his eyes starting to get misty.

'Kong, hey, don't be like this.' Arthit pleaded.
'Goodbye, P.' Kong turned to leave but not before Arthit saw tears in his eyes.

Arthit sat down on the bench, shell shocked. What has he done? How did it come to this?


The university forum lit up when it was shared how Arthit  repeatedly tried to attack Kai. The narrative spreading is that the junior, Kongpob  was trying to come between Arthit and PVolt.

But also a segment of the forum was shocked how aggressive Arthit was.

'He has a temper.'
'He looks like an angel but he has the  temper of a lion.'
' Yes. He is erupting.'
'I dont like him anymore.'
'Me too.'
He's too on the edge.'
'I think he's dangerous.'

'Where is Arthit.?'Knot asked.
'He skipped out.' Bright replied.
'Seems there are no more admirers here.' Prem said as he looked at the empty cafeteria.
'They are bashing Arthit now, saying he doesnt deserve PVolt.' Toota informed them.
' Read the comments they claim that, 'He is a ticking time bomb' then some even tagged him as devil in an angel's face.' Toota litanied to his friends.
' Really? Yet a few days ago,  they were close to mobbing us just to get a glimpse of him.' Prem scoffed.
' Social media is fickle.' Knot said.
'It sees everything that is wrong but doesn't get anything right either.' Bright quipped.

The senior's looked at Bright, their mouths hanging open.
'What?! Im not called bright only because I lighten up everything, I also got...' he pointed at his head.

They chuckled.

'So who's going to knock some sense into our friend' Prem asked.
'They talked right, didn't they patch things up.?'
' I dont know Arthit isnt answering his phone.'Knot said.
'You think he will skip class if they made up?' Prem asked.
'Young,young, young, young love is broke.' Bright sang.
'Bright, be serious! We cannot even contact him.' Knot scolded his friend.

'You know Arthit is gone for Kongpob. He had to bribe me so he can talk to him in peace.' Bright declared.
'So why this now?' Toota asked.
'Young,young, young, young love is broke.' Bright sang again
'Bright stop it! Toota yelled.

Bright squeaked, everyone is really on the edge today.

Volt arrived in campus and students were telling him to avoid Arthit. Some even went to the extent to say that Arthit does not deserve him.

When someone showed the video of what happened after he left, he was stunned and curious. Who is this Nong? Are they really just fighting over food?

But as he kept watching the video, he realized, Arthit has a fann. 'Wow, I thought I would have a hard time to convince him to like another male.'

Interestingly, his fann is the sophomore that kept on showing up. That must be the reason for the anger in the junior's eyes. The junior has caught on that he likes Arthit. 'This is trouble, I love trouble.' Volt thought.

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