04- half decent date

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(Largest chapter in the series.)

A/n: two ghosts is already #74 in the Narry tag. What the hell guys? 💕💕

I run my lavender scented shampoo through my hair as I think about my boyfriend, Tristan. He doesn't deserve to be cheated on. He doesn't deserve any kind of betrayal from anyone. He's always been so nice to me and care free. He's always kept me on a loose chain laced with trust compared to Harry choking me by pulling me back into his grasp. He is far too possessive for me to ever get away from him.

A part of me wishes that Harry never showed up here and would have picked a different university.
But another part of me wishes that Harry would be waiting for me in my dorm room instead of Tristan.

I rinse my hair and close my eyes taking in the last few minutes of having hot water run down my body relaxing me before I have to step out into the cold shower room.

I shut off the faucet and grab my towel quickly wrapping it around my body. Luckily for me there isn't anybody else in the shower room while I'm here, I always plan to shower earlier while everyone is sleeping but I never have the choice seeing as how my boyfriend needs to wake me up at 10 am so I don't end up sleeping the day away.

I dry myself off and begin to change, pulling my white t shirt over my head followed by my dark blue jeans being pulled up my legs.
I don't feel like putting much effort into my look today as I will need all of the effort I can muster to look my best when I meet Tristan's parents.

I feel extremely guilty for what I did to him. I feel scummy. I almost feel lost when I think about what happened last night. If I were to tell Tristan what happened he will probably break up with me and I'll be lonely while the the only other person I know here being Harry.

If I don't tell him about what happened between Harry and I, the guilt will eat me alive. I haven't found a single fault in Tristans personality and it would kill both him and I for him to know that I was the one who brought dirt into our relationship.

I pull my shower caddy to my side and begin to walk back to my dorm. I know that Tristan is inside probably listening to the fray or ed sheeran.

It's strange to see someone I like, liking the same music that I do. Every time I would get into Harry's car his obnoxious emo songs would blare making my ears instantly become sore but as time went on Harry eventually would just leave the ed sheeran channel on ready for the next time we would go for a drive.

I open my dorm room seeing Tristan sat at my computer chair. I don't have much to say to him. I don't even have the courage to look at him in fear of making eye contact. How could I have done something so reckless?

I won't lie. Harry brought me to another world when his lips wrapped around me. I only wish that Tristan can do the same thing. Maybe then I can forget that Harry even showed up. Or did I show up?

I walk over to Tristan and grab his collar. He can treat me better than Harry ever could.

I kiss him taking him by surprise. I don't mind giving Him surprises.

I straddle his thighs and press my chest onto his when his hand pushes me back breaking out kiss that I need to heat up.

"Niall, what's gotten into you?" He chuckles with a blush on his cheeks. I can tell that he's flustered by my sudden actions but I don't need him to be flustered. I need him to be pinning me down to the mattress like Harry would be doing if he were here.

"Sorry." I mumble standing from his thighs knowing that I may have just crossed a line with Tristan. We haven't thought or talked about anything sexual yet and maybe it is too soon. Not everyone hops in bed with their significant other after one month of meeting them like somebody I know.

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