35- traveling and love

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I sigh sitting at my desk listening to the fan hum softly and Harry's snores fill the small room.

I have to order my plane ticket in advance since the flights are booked up for the next few days.

I sigh with relief as my printer finally begins to make the Hums and crunches to print the ticket.

I grab a pin and pin the paper to my cork board. I'll cut the ticket later.

I walk back to the bed and climb in staying a good few inches away from Harry.

When the movie ended I was going to say goodnight to Harry and softly kick him out but he was fast asleep and looked far too peaceful to wake up.

So I let him sleep.

I know I probably shouldn't have but the way he was acting last night really pleased me. He was acting like I had feelings, more importantly, he was acting like he had feelings.

Maybe I have that backwards. But I don't care.

I care for Harry more than myself. But maybe you knew that already.

I feel him stir beside me and his eyes flutter open too soon. I love looking into his green eyes but that means that he'll get up from this bed, which eventually means that he'll leave.

I know, where did clingy Niall come from?

He came with this baby. I feel extremely happy today. Not only around Harry, but I feel like going on that date with Ethan today.


I grab my phone and open it looking at my messages from him.

*sure, I hope you feel better soon Ni.*

* goodnight*

I begin to type a message to excuse leaving him on read but there's nothing I can say that makes up for it.

*thank you, I'm feeling much better today. I set my phone down and just slept it off.*

I hit send and place my phone on the nightstand.

"Good morning." Harry grumbles pulling my body against his. I place my hand on his chest and before I can respond his lips are on mine.

He pulls away quickly before we can get any closer, it doesn't take long for us to be making a decision we probably shouldn't have.

"Good morning." I say softly as He stands up from the bed making my frown become noticeable.

"I have to- you printed a ticket?" Harry asks ruffling his hair as he looks at the date for my flight.

"Yes, they're booked for the next few flights so-"

"You didn't want me to come with you?" He asks cutting me off. I have to be careful to defuse this bomb, I have no idea what mood Harry is in this morning.

"I am just going for a visit, I didn't know that you wanted to come" I say watching him grab the ticket.

"Well, you're going to be sitting next to complete strangers." He says as I find myself wishing that I woke Harry up and asked if he wanted to come. Now I won't be able to fall asleep on his shoulder and chances are that I didn't get a window seat.

"I'll be okay, just come out a few days later, I'm not returning my ticket." I say knowing how much of a fuss it is for them to actually accept it.

"I'll return it. I don't want you traveling alone." He says as I slowly nod. There's no point in telling Harry that it will be fine because when he has his mind set on some thing he wants he will do it with or without my Okay.

I'm going when he's going.

That's how Harry controls me, mainly because I don't have the energy to fight back.

And because he scares me.

Not in a bad way. He scares me in ways I never believed were possible.

Like leaving, him leaving scares me. His anger, fighting, when he raises his voice.

I'm not scared of him, I'm scared of what will happen if our fights get out of control.

Maybe he would leave me.

No, Harry wouldn't leave me and this baby. He needs me as much as I need him.

"Would you ever leave me?" I blurt wishing I hadn't said anything. He looks confused before smiling and walking back to the bed.

"No, not even if you begged me to." He says climbing into the bed. I want to reach out and touch him but I know that I shouldn't. He's different at this than I am.

"Why? Do you want me to leave?" Harry asks crawling over to me. He lays down next to me so close that he's hovering over me.

"N-No, I don't want you to leave." I say quietly looking up into his soft eyes.

"Niall?" He asks softly taking his fingers through my hair.

"Yes?" I ask back just as softly as his fingers massage my scalp.

"I want to make love to you."


Word count : 833

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