20-thats in the past

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I take a sip from my iced tea and watch Harry look around the shops as we sit on a bench.

"We've only bought you one outfit and we've been everywhere." He exaggerates as we've only been to five shops.

"Well, sorry that I don't have twenty pairs of the same shirt and pants. I like variety." I say looking towards forever 21. I know that if I go in there I will look at everything and only buy one shirt or a pair of pants that are way too overpriced.

"Let me choose something for you." He says as I cross my arms.

"I don't know Harry. You'll choose something inappropriate." I say watching his eyes roll.

"Well if you pick everything then we'll be here for ages. I wanted to check apartments today." He says as his arm lands around my shoulders.

"You want to move out of the dorms that quick?" I ask watching him nod.

"Well, only if you'll be joining me. It would be kind of pointless if you stayed in the dorms." He says as I stay silent.

I don't know how I feel about moving in with Harry. If he makes a mistake where would I go? I would have to hide in our bedroom.

Our bedroom.

I smile at the thought and take a sip from my straw.

"I'll come looking with you. Only if you promise that we'll come back here tomorrow." I say listening to Harry groan like a child.

"Fuck, fine." He says before standing and grabbing the majority of my bags.

I follow behind Harry but stop as I see someone familiar.


He sits at a table with a boy. Blonde. Pale. He looks so much like me.

I watch his blue eyes flicker to me and stay. I feel Harry's hand wrap around mine pulling me along. Why did I even stop? I don't care about him.

I tangle my fingers through Harry's as we walk through the entrance. I throw my bags into the back seat of Harry's car and get in. I grab Harry's hand but he's quick to drop mine.

"So you want him now huh?" Harry asks as he begins to reverse out of his parking spot.

"No! I never said that Harry." I speak watching Harry grip his fingers into the wheel much tighter.

"Well you certainly stared longer than you should have." He spits as I scoff.

"I'm not the one who was found in bed with another guy!" I exclaim turning myself towards the window. Asshole.

"That's in the past-"

"No! It never will be. You slept with him! You cheated on me-"

"We weren't even together!" Harry yells as he turns into the highway.

"Right. I was just your game." I say softly looking out the window.

"Maybe you were." Harry agree's. My heart feels heavier but I ignore it. I ignore everything about Harry.

When Harry finally pulls up to the dorm block I get out of his car slamming the door.

I grab my bags and Harry watches.

"Give me some of those." He demands as I shrug him off. I begin to walk away but I feel bags being torn from my arm.

"Fuck, niall. Stop being so dramatic." He mutters as I become both angry at his words and self consciousness. Am I really overreacting?

"Fuck you." I say grabbing the bags back and walking towards the doors. I pull my key out and slide it into the door but the green light just won't turn red.

"Here." A soft voice says sliding his key through the slot. The light instantly turns green and he picks up some of my bags.

"You don't have to-"

"But I want to." He says as I look down the walkway to see Harry angrily walking towards us.

"Thank you." I say smiling looking up at his face.




Word count :655

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